Highmoor KwaZulu-Natal

Around The World Drakensberg Mountain Photography

Visiting photographs not yet shared from 2019 another region to visit again, we arrived early morning in mist, park ranger advised the weather would be low for most of the day, low cloud not enough exploring now a place I would like to book to spend a weekend exploring at my own pace.

Mkhomazi Wilderness Area in the Maloti-Drakensberg Park in the Central Drakensberg Mountains, glimpses between the rolling mist with some views when retreated back down into lowlands.

Checking into the office to request permission to explore without going hiking in wet conditions, this was quite acceptable by Parks Board Ranger.


Foreground with indigenous Oldwood - Leucosidea sericea with misty mountain in the background.


Flowering during August to December our Spring into Summer months.


Different pine trees have been introduced into South Africa over hundreds of years, they are however not indigenous to the region. Looking up hanging from the branches many air-plants decorating, moistened in morning mist.


Shrouded view one is left to imagination as to how majestic this will look on clear days, slippery underfoot still magical watching the clouds play between the mountain tops.


Wee bit wet we started to meander back down the road, briefly stopping a couple of time or taking a walk to see the river winding down, fresh grasses growing where the hills had a winter burn, golden/yellow where it had been left this year.


Beginning to get lower than the cloud on top one starts to see the sandstone cliffs jotting out.


Aha, a little blue sky starting to show, perhaps more luck once out of the valley to enjoy lower down.


Giant rocks strewn around the valley leaving one in awe as to when this came tumbling down, how long has it been there?


Tenacious trees and grasses eventually break down rocks into the soil, in eon of time this will take on a completely different appearance.


Almost midday we bid farewell to Highmoor a lovely short visit giving a taste of staying for longer hopefully soon.


Back on the road again to seek out adventures.... Thanks for joining me again here in sunny South Africa (well most times sunny).


First article written in 2019 Drakensberg Hidden Gems For Outdoor Adventure a place I will hopefully return, share new adventures again.


All photography is my own using Canon Powershot SX160 IS. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day!

Thought for Today: "If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today." - African Proverb





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