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SublimeSunday @c0ff33a Beautifulsunday @ace108// IT'S MY SISTER'S NAMING CEREMONY

Hi everyone, I hope you're all having a SublimeSunday and beautifulsunday at your side. Thank God I am able to witness this SublimeSunday and beautifulsunday of my sister naming ceremony of her new bouncing baby girl. Thanks to @c0ff33a and @ace108 who inspired the SublimeSunday and beautifulsunday. Child labor is not an easy task and for that I grateful that my sister was able to deliver without stress. Today is the naming ceremony and the name of the baby girl is MUSTAKIMAT which means ( good straight path). The naming ceremony was successful and I was able to take some pictures with the new baby girl.

Thanks for going through my blog and have a wonderful day