Our Lord is the Chief shepherd 🙏

We are always grateful for God's gift and Grace in our Lives in everything in which we are doing.
Today being tge 16th(sixteen) Sunday in ordinary time we are reminded about our Lord Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd. A shepherd is one who lay down his lives for his flocks they don't feed on their flocks rather there flocks feed from them.
Jesus christ is the chief centre and should be the Chief Centre of Everything 🙏 in our Lives 🙏. A shepherd is one in which tge flocks hears the voice and follow they cares for the flocks and should not always deviate from the duties. They should always not be selfish to do everything for their own personal interest but for the interest of the sheeps.

The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want 🙏. Jesus christ is the good shepherd thst he laid down his live for we sinners his flock, he is our reedemer the one that saves us in all situation in which we might find ourselves.

Leaders should always lead by good examples and care for their flocks 🙏. In all in which we are doing leaders should always the examples which are good of our Lord, and do what they are supposed to do. They should do good things worthy of emulations in which can help them and there flocks. They should also show great care and look after their flocks.
Our Lord is the Chief shepherd 🙏 and he would always be the Chief in our Lives 🙏.
Images are mine

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