
No much picture today because I didn't go for service in Church today. I was at home attending to my assignments to be submitted tomorrow and also preparing for my tests starting from tomorrow.

I woke up as usual this morning and while everyone left home for church, I was indoor, working on my assignments and then after that, I went to wash my plates and swept the floor of my room. I took my bath and prepared rice and spaghetti. I couldn't cook something I so much wish to eat which was Fried plantain and egg as I couldn't go to the market to get my foodstuffs.

I had to prepare what I had at home and ate to my satisfaction- all thanks to God for the provision.

Later this afternoon, I went to see how my project is going. I gave it to someone to help me do the typing as I didn't have the time for that and besides, my laptop isn't available and I can't risk my phone typing that long. Believe me, I would be distracted especially checking through different platforms to work.

Thank God the man is already through with it and by the time I finish typing this post, I would go and collect it so I can submit to my supervisor tomorrow in school. I hope there won't be any corrections again and she should allow me to go and work on Chapter Two.

Then, 30 minutes earlier, I was outside my room receiving fresh air when my hostel mates came to join me and that was the beginning of a beautiful fun we had together. Like, I never expected that it would be fun but we all were so happy it went this way.

One of us started by telling us a story and it looks like an old elder telling tales to children being surrounded around him or her. After the story, she teased us to tell her what we have learnt and we told her the morals we got from the story.

Then the story led to riddles and jokes. It really brought those memories again and I enjoyed it. At a time, I googled some riddles questions and I was reading it loud to them and they all tried reasoning for the right answers. Some of the riddles they do not know, I told them from the answer provided online. We learnt some things again. We ended it there and I decided to write something on it now.

Thanks for reading an update about my Sublime Sunday.

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