Can A Cold Sunday Be Beautifully Sublime?

Taken with the fisheye lens of my S20 through my dirty dining room window! Hey at 15F out and snow on the ground, I was not venturing onto the balcony to freeze my tuchus just for a cleaner shot lol!

"Well the interest is up and the stock market's down
And you only get mugged if you go downtown"

-Hank Williams Jr A Country Boy Can Survive

Well I guess old Hank just about summed up these days pretty well. Our Federal Reserve seems to be bound and determined to crush this market before we even get out of this pandemic. I know Bari Weiss told Bill Maher she is all done with Covid, here in the US I dont think Covid is done with us as we have new cases bouncing around a million people a day.

And all that noise has left our Hive hanging by a fingernail at 80 some cents!


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!

So just to prove my theory that there usually is some ying and yang to daily life, here is some decent news:


My orchids that I have had for ages. They were flowering when I bought them, never bloomed once since in years! Talk about a bait and switch. Might remind some of y'all about marriage, but I wont go there lol.


It may have taken it a while, but if it does what it looks like it is going to do, we are going to be in for a show!!! Even my baby one has got it going on!!


Many of you know I leave my computer glass sides off and open the case all the way because I am always mining crypto and it gets hot in there.
It makes enough heat that it is almost like a desk top mini space heater lol.
However today I saw a potential problem...
This little bugger decided to leave my jungle of indoor plants to enjoy that heat and the open door policy lol.
He was quickly relocated to plants in another room.
I dont think he has much time left, so no little buggers were harmed in the making of this post :)


It was pretty cool (cool being the operative word) seeing this guy get dragged around the lake by a kite while on some skis!


And now these guys are whipping around in the fresh snow on there four wheelers!

Whoa too cold for me. It is currently 4F or -15C. Either way you slice it, it is cold!

Lets warm up with a nice hot Sam,
grilled cheese and ham,
I am, said Sam...
Ok I am not Dr Seuss lol... but I can make a mean grilled cheese and ham.


Butter up that griddle!


Lay on some ham or roast beef


Next start some bread toasting...


Flip it over and lay on some cheese


Cut diagonally and enjoy!


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