Vermont Sunday Walk

A wonderful Sublime Sunday in Vermont. I got visited by a flock of wild turkeys 4 times this week. I was lucky enough to catch them on the yard security cam. (See video link at bottom of post).

Even luckier for me, I was able to capture over 20 nice photos of the turkeys chasing bugs around the yard. That will come in a post later this week.

For this sublime sunday, I wanted to share a walk around the yard. It's been like the never-ending spring up here, with some heat and humidity just kicking in really the last week to actually feel like summer.

The plants are in full bloom, our Apple trees, garden and wild raspberries and blackberries starting to ripen. We actually picked a full bowl of blackberries this week with lots more to ripen.

Grabbing a bite of Hosta leaves as she rounds the corner to go for walkies is Betty's favorite thing.

Another month or two and the snows will start for us. Actually looking forward to a little bit cooler weather to kill off the bugs, and then Fall, my favorite season. Some leaves look like they are already falling, but we usually won't see the major color change and drop for another 1-2 months. Stay posted for that, it will be spectacular.

And of course the wonderful Wild Turkeys! Getting to photograph them with the zoom lens made my whole week. That post will come in the next couple days.

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