Sublime and beautiful Sunday: weekend are meant for party

Some days when u travelled to Ilorin Kwara state I was able attend my nephew’s birthday who is celebrating his seven years birthday. One of the things that make the children happy the more is celebrating their birthday with their friends and family. Even if they don’t remember their birthday but the moment you told them that so so date is their birthday they are always filled with joy. Sometimes to sleep over to their birthday is alway difficult and they start count days such thing has happened to me before.

Not that they celebrate the birthday in a big way but calling his friends around to celebrate with him and he was more than excited. We did the birthday inside the living room and we did game like dancing round the chair while we play music. It was really interesting for the children.

Later we went outside to take pictures. He was able to take picture with his friends and cake. And gifts were given to the people that came to celebrate with him. I was really fun.

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