Beyond the Sublime Stars

For the past 7 weeks, a journey has been underway with a group of us - here on Hive. It's been very special to me. We challenged ourselves to take the time to:

  • strengthen our bodies
  • sharpen our talents
  • focus our minds
  • take time to rest
  • remember those long-lost goals
  • encourage one another
  • cheer, support, encourage, and fight for our goals as a tEEm.

Sometimes, I think "oh, this might be a fun thing to do - a little challenge that people might think is interesting." But every once in a while, a special challenge comes along that does more than I expect. This one was a challenge like that.

There were moments when I just wanted to give up, and I remembered a post shared by another dreemer in the challenge where they didn't. There were moments when I just missed a goal, and I remembered how another dreemer nailed all 5 days - and I thought, I can do that too! There were days when all of the sudden, the thing that seemed so hard - wasn't so hard anymore. And I read that it was the general feeling of the group too.

There were times when I thought, "What will happen when this is over? Will I keep going?"

The challenged ended last Friday. It is now the following Monday and I have my answer.

During the challenge, it was all about pushing to get those stars. And each star felt like my own personal gold trophy. The stars felt SO damn good! But now? I don't have stars anymore. What happens now?

Now - I realize - I'm beyond those amazing stars!

The stars served their purpose, and helped to lay the foundation for what happens AFTER the challenge. Life begins, and I want to continue.

Not to check things off a list. (Don't get me wrong! I love lists! I love seeing all the things crossed off!!) But this challenge USED the list to create something so much more substantial in my heart.

Today, they released "BEAST MODE" on my Supernatural app. And I am sitting here in my workout clothes, charging my headset, writing this post and counting down the moments until I can enter Beast Mode! LOL

❤️A special note to all the dreemers❤️

I love you more than I can say. This challenge gave me a new appreciation for all of you. You went the distance, when you didn't think you would. You pushed harder when you were tired and sad. You rebalanced when you realized when it was too much, and you needed quiet and peace. But you never gave up. You ALL went the distance, and for that, I am so grateful and so proud of each and every once of you.

The Scores

Here are the scores as was reported to me this weekend!

Teem @deraaa - 192 points total

@Khaleesii: 37 points
@ijohnsen: 32 points
@coquicoin: 32 points
@ifarmgirl: 40 points
@davidbright: 51 points
@samsmith1971: NA - STAFF

Teem @hopestylist - 281 points

@iskafan: 75 points
@jessicaossom: 64 points
@eylz619: 53 points
@blezyn : 45 points
@beeber: 44 points
@adoore-eu: NA- STAFF

Teem @tengolotodo - 146 points

@princessbusayo - 65 points
@merit.ahama - 32 points
@b0s - 25 points
@blackdaisyft - 24 points
@dreemsteem - NA/ STAFF
@amberkashif - NA/ STAFF

As you can see - every tEEm went above and beyond!

And as a matter of fact, I think I said that the winning teem was going to get some extra DREEM tokens.

But what I didn't tell you all - is that I had already determined - if everyone brought their all, and ALL THE TEEMS POINTS COMBINED.... came to MORE than 500 - I was going to triple the original rewards!

and... you did! hehehe

So TEEM LEEDERS... You will not have 1500 Dreem tokens to distribute.

You will now have 4500 Dreem tokens to distribute. Check your HIVE ENGINE WALLETS, @DERAAA, @TENGOLOTODO AND @HOPESTYLIST - AND USE THOSE TOKENS TO DISTRIBUTE! If you have any questions on how to send tokens through your Hive Engine Wallet - just ask me, and I'll be happy to help!

Please award your teem members 3x what you had originally planned!
(and PLEASE add yourselves into that mix, TEEM LEEDERS!)

You all did amazing!!! Thank you for a great DreemPort challenge. ENJOY THIS REST WEEK!!!!

Image Source
All teem banners made by individual teems!! ❤️

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