Something Needs To Be Changed

Another Sunday that passed... I was going to say very nice for this fall, but it wasn't to be. It was just a normal autumn Sunday, even though we have already entered a winter month.

Childhood nostalgia, when at the beginning of December the snow was already at least half a meter high and the streets of the village where I grew up were full of children enjoying winter.

Now, in the park near my house... it's true, in another place, 500 km further south, some shrubs already think it's spring!

We have seen in past years how nature has been upset by various too-warm moments in early winter, but they were isolated phenomena. Now it's obvious that the seasons are mixing together...

Also in the park next to the house, I saw that the pigeons are now domestic. The kindness of the people who feed them every day transforms them from wild birds into almost domestic birds!

Of course, this action of humans is done with all love and with a noble purpose, but it might harm these birds that have become too dependent on human kindness. Just as Europe was dependent on Russian gas!

I really like fallen leaves from trees, different shapes, and colors, like a carpet.

People who care for the park have started collecting these leaves. Are they doing it right? I remember that the peasants used to leave the leaves on the field to form a cover for the grass and plants in winter, to protect them from frost.

There were a few sequences of images from the park I walk through every time I want to get downtown. Now it's a rainy day that I would characterize as ugly, but since it hasn't rained in many times, all I can do is enjoy the rain!

In the underpass, I walk through when I get out of the subway I see the Avatar movie advertised.

I'm not a big fan of this movie, but I have to admit that the special effects are really special. I expect this new series to be even more spectacular, I think I will go to the cinema to watch it too.

The rain in the park wasn't that noticeable. The water was immediately absorbed by the very dry ground. In the city, however, the water is much more visible on sidewalks and streets.

On Sundays, the town is sparsely populated, and people are either out of town or staying in the warmth of their apartments.

Loneliness, that's what I feel watching a pigeon, wet and cold, looking for something to eat or at least a companion.

The loneliness of the pigeons and the lack of civility of the people who abandon their rented electric scooters right in the middle of the sidewalk, without thinking about the people passing by...

I'll stick to the picture of the day... to loneliness, sadness, and grayness.

Not everyone considers Sunday to be sublime. I think we should be glad that we can participate and choose if this is what these days are like, that we live and can observe around us, even if many things are not right. Something needs to be changed!

Written with the thought of #SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a




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