Morning Coffee...

I remained a prisoner of the last trip, a trip like I haven't made in a long time, of course, because of the prolonged pandemic. For three days I changed my habits and way of life, adapting to life in Sibiu, a beautiful city in Transylvania.

You know, Transylvania is a part of Romania. I was going to say the most beautiful but here opinions are divided. But I can say that it is the most civilized part, with strong western influences. Influences that can be seen foremost in architecture, then in people's behavior, in their daily routine.

Coffee is something that has conquered the world now, becoming a common habit. Coffee drunk at home or at the café. At the coffee shop, it is best, skilled baristas, origin coffee, and pleasant ambiance are an attraction everywhere. Same in Sibiu...

Coffee contributed to a sublime Sunday. I can't say it was the best coffee, I mean cappuccino, that's what I like, but the ambiance, the place where the café was, won me over and compels me to tell you about it. I am also thinking of a well-known colleague of ours, a coffee specialist, in the sense that he is an importer and distributor.

I think @c0ff33a, who proposes #sublimesunday, will be interested in how coffee works in Transylvania, as I think @ace108, who proposes #beautifusunday, wants to see the same thing in Sibiu.

The café in the Goldsmiths' Square

I came to Sibiu also with the desire to discover a special place to drink coffee. If I find it, I stay loyal, I drink only there. I found a small café, and I was very pleased with both the coffee and the barista, with whom I had pleasant conversations. I drank coffee there the first two days of my stay but on the very morning of the last day of my holiday, I found this square, the Goldsmiths' Square!


A small square, not exactly touristy, surrounded by old houses inhabited by old people. A square where there is only a new café...


An idyllic and peaceful place. A few couples at tables, chatting all sorts. So close to the Upper Town squares, full of terraces, restaurants, and tourists. A simple staircase leads there... fortunately, nobody or very few people go down it now!


The café is newly fitted out and looks like it wouldn't belong there, with its modern design, among houses many hundreds of years old.


But let's go inside for a moment. A café worth seeing. Once again an extremely friendly barista. I have the impression that all baristas are friendly, unlike waiters.




Now I think it may also be @c0ff33a's curiosity. I walked into the room where the coffee is roasting.



I guess coffee hasn't been roasted there for a while because I didn't get that strong roasted coffee smell.

The market has seen from the café, through the small window.


After the brief inspection of the place, I had to take a well-deserved break to enjoy the well-deserved coffee, the usual cappuccino!



For me, coffee is a big treat. Unfortunately, I think I have made many sins in this life because now I am not allowed to drink coffee as much as I want. I can drink as much as the doctors let me, and they only let me drink one a day.

The morning coffee... It helps you get rid of nausea!
This is what one of the most talented Romanian folk singers, Doru Stanculescu, said many years ago. Among the first and the best that were in Romania, the singers that I enjoyed in my youth. He died a few months ago.

I put here this song about the benefits of coffee. It's in Romanian, I translated the first verse and the chorus. I don't know if you might like it, I think it might make an impression!

Morning coffee: song&lyrics by Doru Stanculescu


Raise an eyebrow
And you seem to be afraid
For the day to come
It's warm under the duvet
But the hysterical clock is ticking
And then

Morning coffee
It helps you get rid of nausea
And increase your morale
To be able to bear
One more day the carnival
One more day the carnival


This café is located in an old square, with houses hundreds of years old and where old people live... I like to watch my fellow coffee drinkers. Among them is a couple who seem to have come from another time, because of the way they are dressed. It was pretty hot.




Well, maybe someone will say that this is not who knows the square. Maybe it's not, but I was enchanted by the seemingly disconnected atmosphere, the unnatural silence in such a touristy city. The old houses that border the square...




God, I love this place and we have to leave town in a few hours. I'm really gonna miss it. I've noticed that always when I leave a city where I'm staying more or less, it's the coffee shops, a certain coffee shop that I miss the most. I have to look carefully again and memorize as much as possible. How lucky that I could take so many photos!



A barista souvenir. Absolutely!


One hour to go. The road to the hotel takes me through the narrow streets of the old town. I loved it!




The streets are too narrow for cars to pass. Streets for passers-by only. Places are hard to find nowadays. This trip was more than I thought it would be. Oriented only to the sea, I forgot that there are so many places to visit in the mountainous part of the country.

I've been on a trip myself and can't get rid of the memories. But I know that oblivion will come. That's why I'm writing here because I know it will stay here. A little recap of these posts about Sibiu, one of the most touristic cities in Romania!

Probably the most visited city in Romania - Sibiu

On The Stairs, Up and Down

Sibiu - In Search Of Souvenirs







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