Sublime Sunday-Window to the World of Magnificent Nature!

Hello Everyone, indeed another Sublime and Beautiful Sunday to cheerfully enjoy the magnificent beauty of #nature.

Most often we live at such locations that our room or bedroom might not have a beautiful view of the outside world and we stay enclosed in that room, living within the four walls, for finite amount of's only when we get up, open the door, open the window, go out and see the world and get a beautiful glimpse of mother nature...that is the most beautiful part of the day, to start with!!! Isn't it!

There are many people, (including me) who have such fixation to be at the places, rooms etc. where the moment you enter inside the room, you have a glance or glimpse to the outer world, full of life, lush green nature, beautiful seaside, wonderful #garden nearby and many more such lovely and beautiful scenes, landscapes, to watch with, the moment you get up or you stand there and it actually becomes your "Window to the World"!!! Interesting... Isn't it! There are millions who would share the same thought process... or so called "Psyche"! I wonder!!! But its all on the positive aspects of life!

We all might have observed that some people, have a particular attraction or affinity, towards sitting by the window, besides the window, and would strongly vouch for, to be at that side or behave differently to be asking for what they particularly want, while sitting in a car or a bus or even in airplane...they would always demand to have Window seat...Oh My God !!!...we all must have felt, seen and experienced this and many of you would agree with me on that!!! Totally! But this is indeed a reality! No wonder, I too am one of them!!! LOL! Yeahhh!!! :)

Anyways... so for all those who want to be by the window side, here are couple of beautiful captures that will please your mind, body and soul!!!

[What a Good Morning]

The moment you wake up in the morning, you have table and a chair ready, to be a spectator and watch magnificent mother nature from the balcony of your room, while enjoying a cup of tea, or coffee or just sitting idle...isn't it absolutely magnificent view!

[Amazing Sunset]

While driving a car, you suddenly come across a beautiful scene by the window, which is absolutely breathtaking and then you stop for a while, sitting in your car and looking at the beautiful #sunset scene take a capture, make it a memorable moment, come back home share it with your family, friends!!!...that's how wonderful memories are created!!!

[That Deep Blue Sky]

Tall palms by the window side view is absolutely wonderful to watch with that amazing deep blue sky, making it an awesome Sunday!

[Couldn't ask for more]

The moment you step outside your room, the breathtaking and captivating #seaside enthralls your senses at #amanoi and you want to be there...take a deep dive in the #sea under the #sun...what else one can ask for!!! Is it not like dream come true!!!

[Awesome View]

You wake up to the most wonderful view, watching waves dancing by your window side and the vast ocean at your disposal, so lovely, isn't it!

[Great Day]

The sunlight entertaining you in the morning, with a beautiful #sunrise by the seaside with truly breathtaking view, couldn't ask for more!

[Lovely Evening!]

Finally, its a sunset by the beach, by the seaside... the day ends with much fun and sheer enjoyment and beautiful #life amazingly surrounded by magnificent nature. Thats all one can ask for on a Sublime and Beautiful Sunday!


Hope you liked the captures and enjoyed watching them.

Thank you,

This post is for #sublimesunday initiated by @c0ff33a

This post is also for #beautifulsunday initiated by @ace108


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