My Peaceful and restful day at home with my family❤️

-Hello everyone! How are you all? I hope you are doing well and fine together with your friends loved ones and family.❤️

It was a peaceful and restful day for us here at home, spent my precious time with my beloved family. I was so busy this past week so I choose to rest, past my unwinding and resting at home by checking my gallery and of course all about my life which is my family, and my Unico, He always inspired us with his achievements, that very talented, kind and very humble one that always inspiring even though He is busy in his mobile games together with his cousins, but in the evening time that jolly side of him is talking non-stop hehe!.

See how beautiful this one..? nature inspired recycled paper bag, the colors, and design are so beautiful it was created when He was in Grade 6 too.



then, Let me share with you this too, Unico and I have a lot of things in common, DIY projects, nature-inspired things, and photography are some of our interests. Food and cooking too.

Since I feel calm and peaceful today, let me share one of his projects about a DIY Nature-Inspired Calming Light that He made as an entry to the DIY contest while he was in Grade 6. Of course, I was his videographer/photographer and I am his avid and number one fan, hehe! I love him so much so I am proud of him and so thankful to God Almighty through Christ Jesus our Lord for the talent He shared with him. You can also view it at @Zander's Facebook Reel Post and more of his achievements there in one of the Hive posts in @czanders post

Reminiscing moments like that is fulfilling, and seeing the improvements and developments in the behaviors and his interactions, is a blessed one.

Another nature-inspired project is a painting of a Cypress tree..look?😍 see the love for God and nature..because God created nature so it is connected..great right?

Making unforgettable memories like these made us think that not all our experiences are good, and a blessing in disguise too. Teaching us a lot of life lessons. Like my son who only has a short stay here in Hive because of his bad experiences with some people, when he joined here and participated in some contests He never expected to win, and he was also not interested in the rewards he won from the contest and decided to donate the prizes to others instead of creating a new account, He only wants to inspire people without asking in return, he wrote that in his article, doesn't matter if He will be appreciated or not is already an achievement. And I also think of the same thing, as long as you are happy and motivate others I am content and fulfilled because there is God who always sees us in everything we do. What matter is for us to be happy and content with ourselves. And if a blessing is shared with us, should be Considered them comes from the loving and merciful God, not because we are smart but because God chose us to receive the rewards.

There is more to life, be a cheerful giver, pray, and have faith and trust in ourselves and God, God is always with us through Christ our Lord.🙏

I also cook simple dishes for family❤️ but prepared with love and care and even if they like it or not hehe they said it was delicious hehe!😁

After that I rest and sleep peacefully!

This is my participation in the #sublimesunday of Sir @c0ff33a and @ace108 of #beautifulsunday.

Always keep a beautiful smile like 😁 and let God be the center of life forever! Don't forget to pray! May God grant our prayers and aspirations in life❤️🙏

Thank you for reading!🙏

Photos and Videos is mine

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