My Beautiful and Sublime Sunday at Home!

Beautiful evening!🌷

Happy New month!

How are you all?!
I hope you are all doing well and happy together with your friends loved ones and family!❤

Another Sunday has come.
Thanks a lot Sir @c0ff33a for the #sublimesunday initiative.. @ace108 for the #beautifulsunday initiative

I could say it was a beautiful and sublime Sunday for me!.💚

I started the day by attending the Holy Mass at the Church near our house. There were so many blessings that I needed to be thankful for.

So after the mass, I walked around and took a few shots of photos, simple yet pretty ones.


Then I went to the market and bought grapes and some other foodstuffs for a one-week consumption. I always stock fruits and eggs in the kitchen, I could forget any other foodstuff but eggs and fruits are always present in our kitchen, aside from I truly loved to bake and cook different sweets, and egg is always included in my recipe to ensure that what I prepared are all nutritious food. It's best for keeping the immune system strong, and I don't want to compromise our health, especially now that the Deadliest type of Covid19 Delta Virus is here in our place already. Really scary.


Our place was placed under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine this afternoon, so we are again under very strict protocols that we need to follow, like Curfew, nobody should be outside the house after 8 PM. I need to get an inter-city travel pass tomorrow. I work in Manila and that city is under Enhanced Community Quarantine, but I am still waiting for our office schedules, that is why I'm still awake and it's already 2:00 AM here, I am waiting for the official announcement from the office, because pretty sure there are big changes in our work schedule this next two weeks or maybe no work for two weeks starting tomorrow, as one of my superiors relayed to me, but I need to get the confirmation first so I could also relay it with the employees under my supervision. Delta Virus is here in our place and this is a deadly type. Well, may God protect us from this and the extra care we need to do now.

As I returned home I clean and re-arranged something in our kitchen, I had been sick this past few days and so busy last week that I missed checking everything here inside our house, so today I did everything that I need to be done.


For me, the most important part of the house that should always be very clean is the toilet/bathroom, next is the I clean both that place so well today.


I failed to finish some other things because I don't want to abuse myself again in overworking, Hehehe, and it was a good thing that Nico helped me with simple chores. When I am at home, I let our helper take a rest day because I want to do the house chores by myself. I don't know but I am not comfortable not doing anything, Hehehe feels like I'm getting tired of resting Hehehe..crazy me!.

I requested Nico, to sing with me, while we were doing some household chores and we did sing together. This kind of bonding moment is so simple but for me, I see it as a very special one. We loved to sing Bridge Over Troubled Water, my father's favorite song, and he sang it to us always before. I also used to sang it to Nico when he was a baby, for him to sleep, this is a very comforting song 🎶💚. So I taught it to him too. We also played some christmas🎄songs on our player early hehehehe!.

inside the oven

After our lunch, we took a short nap then we started to work on his school projects. It was not an academic project, it was a humanitarian activity led by the school to help the out-of-school youths, it was like fundraising but they were not collecting money, it was a sort of donation. And I like this kind of activity.

After that, I baked a very delicious and nutritious Leche flan..according to me Hehehe, well. Nico requested it, and I don't want to disappoint him in any way.💕

Ready to eat Leche flan

So this is my special Leche flan! This was made with pure eggs and milk, with no added preservatives or ingredients, so it was a very healthy one. I used honey as syrup. Nico was so happy as he saw this and it warms my heart..he gave me a very sweet smile and a tight hug. It always feels so great when we did something for the happiness of our loved ones and family, even it was just a simple thing, a simple food, or a comforting word that we give to them.. and this kid greatly appreciated it. Sometimes when I reached back home from work and very much tired, he will welcome me with a very sweet smile and asked me " Mama! How was your day?" Then he will give me slippers or will remove my shoes. I felt like all my stresses from work were gone hehe.


I read a kiddie story for Nico, just before he sleeps, and now listening to some music, while waiting for the office looks like I am going to have a little sleep tonight because of that work schedule adjustment.

So many things that are needed to think of for the betterment of our lives, but each thing should be thought of carefully because some things in life are interconnected, and should be good for every aspect.

But the most important thing is learning to start to make life better and to enjoy the process of development too at the same time.

Like this time, some of the employees under my supervision are kept on asking me if they need to go to work tomorrow Hehehe. if only I don't have this ranked position, surely I am already sleeping this time and doesn't care if I have work or not tomorrow hehe.

So sometimes our responsibilities with other people should be taken care of too while we are doing some adjustment for ourselves at the same time, that is the best way to live a happy and contented life when we know that we are not affecting other people's lives negatively, instead, we are helping them to grow, while we are growing too and be happy also with their improvement and development..while we are also doing some improvement and development in our lives.

It is always important to put everything into the right place without compromising ourselves and wellness too, that was the lesson that I have learned when I got sick because of abusing myself from overworking and overthinking recently Hehe!. 😊

So this was my peaceful, beautiful, and sublime Sunday, with lots of happiness and smiles😊!.💕


I hope you all like it!
Please take care whenever have the chance, and keep and wear a beautiful smile like this👉😁💕, and pray first before closing the eyes to sleep to avoid 👻 nightmares!.😊

Always welcome the new day with a solemn prayer and a happy mood! Let God be the center of life forever and always!
I hope you do all your stuff well today!.❤



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