Archives token fund #ATF - The last update of this year of the supporting token related to the accumulation of funds of the personal future project.

Archives token fund #ATF - The last update of this year of the supporting token related to the accumulation of funds of the personal future project.

ATF is a personal token created using the #Tribaldex platform for the entire #Hive #Blockchain ecosystem. A token designed to provide each participant with some type of additional tokenized income stream in exchange for holding this type of token.


This token is inspired by the "hold-to-earn" concept - where users are rewarded just by holding the ATF token in their own portfolios available in the HIVE Blockchain ecosystem. Yes, the steps are very simple - all you need to ensure your participation is to get your hands on at least 1 ATF Tokens.

Token you must have in your crypto wallet for at least a week. It all depends on how much ATF token you will have in that respective week - of course tokenized reward will happen on Saturday and Sunday of every week or every month.

Ok, i guess it is well known that in general, long-term investments in cryptocurrencies, in tokens and NFTs, even if they can have many positive consequences, you as an investor are subjecting yourself to a huge risk in which there will always be a chance of lose considerable values. Yep so to some extent, despite the fact that you are subjecting yourself to a huge risk of losing valuable assets, long-term investments in these digital treasures are a sure way to guarantee a super-profitable profit.

  • Tokens that promise to offer a certain type of passive income, even if they require a wait, can prove be promising, offering an attractive way to discover new digital assets. Through my ongoing project, i offer you a useful and attractive way to earn a weekly passive income just by holding this token in your portfolio that is part of the #Hive #Blockchain ecosystem.


How can you benefit from ATF Tokens @archives-upfunds and of course its representative community - @hive-152804 !?

  • Yep, you can buy this token and hold it until it reaches a good market share. That would mean that as the market value increases over time, each #ATF token will increase in value.
  • The #ATF project aims to provide resources by following the specific curation channels of representative tokens that show potential in the #Hive #Blockchain #ecosystem. Yep, those tokenized projects that promise that quality of being viable - and those curation rewards will reflect that individual level threshold reached.
  • The ATF Token can be bought or earned through small competitions of duration - earned in a more interactive way, participating in some of the small challenges you will discover in the representative community of ATF Tokens @hive-152804

ATF is my first personal project of this kind that offers certain types of passive income, full of tokenized assets that are or will be present in the Hive Blockchain ecosystem

HODL⭐ is a crypto slang term that means "hold on for dear life" or buy and hold indefinitely. It involves not selling when markets fall or become volatile. Yes,☺️ just like an enthusiastic collector of old coins, notes and stamps, who will not sell his own treasure for a stake.

The😊💁 funny thing is that if you take a look in the in the #ATF section, you will notice that there are already some people who act like real token collectors, and no matter how much i raise the price to buy back the tokens they have won. in an honest way, no one will sell anything.

Ok,☺️ maybe if i raise the price some more those collectors will lose their temper🤣 and resell me the tokens they won from the little challenge i offer weekly.....or maybe they'll hold onto them trying to reach the next ones reward levels.

Ok,✌️ more jokingly and of course at the same time more seriously - No one is obliged to sell or buy anything, but if you want to take advantage of what my personal project @archives-upfunds offers, then the only condition is to own a minimum of #ATF Tokens. The more ATF tokens you accumulate, the more you will reach new thresholds or reward levels.

  • Honestly, through this token i created on the #Tribaldex platform, all I'm looking for is to learn about what the crypto space can offer me and of course to discover new opportunities for tokenized earnings and more. That is what we all do here, we will discover, we will learn and of course we will win.

  • This token requires no investment other than time and patience to participate. All you need to do is have at least one ATF token in your wallet. For the most part, Archives Token Funds (ATF) is a project that can provide you with an additional passive income. Each of the ATF holders can earn passive income supported by the resource capacity of my accounts @valentin86 @smallboost @hive-152804 and last but not least @archives-upfunds - Accounts that are meant to fully support this small project.

Through this personal project i aim to create a little financial freedom through several sources of initial results that will be reflected in the transactions that will be distributed to each of the holders of this exposed token. Everything will be up to each of you.

As you can see, this presentation of this token is exposed in the community that bears its name. In general, it is a community that will have the role of presenting various tokenized projects present in the Hive Blockchain ecosystem. Tokenized projects that i will focus on referencing in the near future for investment purposes.

The percentage of rewards given to all ATF holders will be categorized into 6 different types. Therefore, reward categories will fluctuate based on levels achieved - levels which in turn will continue to be transformed based on their popularity. Which means that the passive income will reflect according to the level reached.

  • Please🎇 note🖊️ the default rewards🎁 of these tier categories will be effective from December 25, 2022 and will be active until almost the end of March 2023. Yep, that would mean this would be the last fresh update you have on #ATF Tokens and rewards for keeping them in your personal portfolios and the small retouches brought will be published by re-editing this generalized update.

Currently🗞️, the main categories💠 that a 💁holder can reach will be the following🖊️:

  • 1) Starter ( 1 - 50 #ATF tokens ) - which offers an additional weekly passive income of 0.06% of #ATF token holding + a small share of token liquidity : #POB #CENT #MEME #DEC #ONEUP #SIM & Future Airdrop.
  • 2) Basic (51 - 100 #ATF tokens ) - which provides an additional weekly passive income of 0.09% of #ATF token holding + a small share of token liquidity : #POB #CENT #MEME #DEC #ONEUP #SIM #PAL & Future Airdrop.

ATF token can be purchased now on tribaldex
hive-engine, and leodex dapp markets, and a #keychain is required. Everything remains at the appreciation of each of you if this small project is worth its time and attention - Cheers to everyoane.

A little note

The token was created on Saturday, June 4, 2022, with the name "Archives Token Funds" and the symbol "ATF", and in the near future it will have the staking function activated. Yep, this feature and other future plans will take some time to realize. It's all about how things will turn out for this token. All you have to do to be eligible to participate in this project is to have at least 1 ATF and wait the last two days of each week to receive the related earnings.

Thank🙋 you for your special attention🗞️ and of course for your precious☺️✌️ time on this post.

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