a cup of coffee and the enjoyment of life in the morning

Hi coffee lover ...

a cup of coffee that I brew in the morning is an extraordinary pleasure that is given by God through the natural wealth of the country of Indonesia, coffee is a plant that lives in the mountains with cold temperatures above average, with a cup of coffee the days will feel more meaningful because the brain may be free to explore and help maintain a healthy heart, hehe....

coffee is a natural cultivated plant that is well preserved and cared for like a child, hehe like the bangao soy sauce advertisement, this is just a joke, it's true that coffee is perfection in living life, coffee is able to make many people fight stress diseases that cause stress. excessive due to the behavior of him who often leaves without any news, hehe...
I just want to entertain and share my experience about how coffee revives the atmosphere of a day filled with illusions and uncontrollable emotions, these are just words as a medicine to prevent stress, I like to joke hehe sorry 🙏

Well, here is coffee with a mixture of milk, we call it sanger, milk coffee or sanger is a characteristic for the people of Aceh, especially coffee lovers from various corners of the country with a million plants and plants, but I only like coffee this time, hehe
Then how about a tree that bears coffee and is processed into a high-quality drink that is beneficial for health and relieves fatigue after a long day at work..
besides coffee, hot tea is also the target of many people in the morning, with the warmth of tea being one of the good drinks to start the day, there is also green tea with extraordinary pleasure green tea is also the main attraction for many people....
coffee and tea are my favorite drinks when starting the day, there is a saying that says "drink coffee so you know how far the pleasure comes, even when you don't realize it" from the proverb it can be concluded that only coffee understands how real life is. ..

after discussing briefly about coffee, I will also discuss how to make coffee that has been processed into powder, for how to make it very easy and simple, we only need to prepare a filter or filter that can be found in household furniture stores, and don't forget to also provide coffee powder, sugar and milk if you like milk coffee, after everything is ready the next step is to put the coffee grounds into the filter and add enough hot water, wait a few minutes until the coffee grounds that have been put into the strainer are cooked and produces a delicious aroma, after that place the glass filled with sugar or milk, then strain the coffee into the glass, then it becomes coffee that is ready to be enjoyed, besides this method there is another easier way, you only need to buy coffee sachets at the kiosks nearest and mix it with hot water so that it becomes a cup of coffee....

when there is a football match, people will flock to the coffee shop to watch a football match together while enjoying a cup of coffee, the excitement that brings warmth to life by gathering with friends or relatives in a coffee shop is the best way to build relationships...

All of the pictures above are mine personally which I took using a cellphone camera

Sorry for any mistakes and shortcomings, and thank you for visiting my post, I hope you like it🤗♥️

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