My first cup of coffee, and good company!


Happy Monday with a nice cup of coffee!

I wish everyone a beautiful week full of blessings, from the hand of God Almighty!

I can't go a day without drinking coffee, because I have a headache hahahahahah, and, that pain is not removed by a pill, but a nice cup of coffee, so, to avoid this every morning, before going to work, I take my respective cup of coffee.

At home I am the first one to get up, usually at 5:00am, so that I have time to prepare breakfast for my older children who go to college, and the little one to school; I am in charge of breakfast, but the coffee is prepared by my husband, who usually gets up at 6:00am an hour later.

I don't usually consume anything in bed, it's just to sleep, hehehe, I like to get up, get cleaned up, and wait for my husband to prepare the coffee!


At home we have a small counter in the kitchen, that's where I sit with my husband, and we share the first cup of coffee, which is usually accompanied with a toast, it can be with a little cream cheese or butter, I am as much a lover of bread as coffee, hehehehe, I think that's why I'm a little overweight!

On weekends, as there is no work or school, this cup of coffee is a little later, around 7:30am, but, it is still in the living room of the house, never in bed; I do not know, I think it is not a good place to eat, I think it is more appropriate my nice table, accompanied by my husband, and sometimes my children, and a nice morning chat!

This has been my #STB Coffee Prompt Week 74 entry, I want to invite my friend @virgilio07, to join and participate!

Thanks for stopping by!

God bless you!




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      Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.                                                       

   All images are my own, captured with my ZTE phone.
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