In The Cafeteria I Prefer To Sit Away From The Window/ Week 73

Hello everyone, fellow coffee lovers. Today I want to share with you some of my preferences when drinking coffee. And when it comes to choosing the best place to sit, I always opt for a secluded seat, as private as possible, away from the window, but with a view of it.

Many times the glare of the sun makes me a little uneasy and I look for the darkest part, in case there is a lot of sunlight coming through the window. Another thing I don't like about sitting near the window is that I get distracted very easily by watching the passerby, and I'm supposed to want to be in peace and solitude, so I avoid the window.

I like to enjoy a coffee to myself; when that's the case, I look away from the window or when I'm meeting with someone and I want the conversation to be as productive as possible.

One of the fears I have of sitting near the window, especially in the coffee shops that are next to the street, is that one does not know when a crazy car is driving around and after a bad move it takes the first wall in the middle and, usually, the one who is in the window suffers more, ha,ha,ha,ha.

However, I always try to find a place as intimate as possible to enjoy a coffee and it happened to me that once I sat in a corner, as far away as possible, because I had to organize some things in the agenda, make some calls and see what was pending to be done and when I walk in that move I do not even like to be spoken to.

Suddenly, I was very concentrated with my purse open on the table, the agenda, the cell phone, and I heard a commotion in front of me and the two men who were right in front of me at the table, began to receive insults from a woman who said she was being cheated by them and began to throw everything she could get her hands on at them.

The funny thing is that since I was in a corner of the cafeteria, I couldn't leave because they were in front of me and they were blocking my way to the exit. There was that woman telling them how bad they were going to die, since according to her her brother and her husband were hidden partners and were cheating on her.

At that moment I thought that I had gone too far with the privacy thing and now I had been trapped without being able to leave, and in fact I had to wait for the situation to calm down before I could leave, because although the show was over, I was in a bad mood and I wanted to leave the place, because for me coffee shops are synonymous with peace and I do not tolerate disturbances.

So now I consider well where to sit when I have a coffee, I look carefully at the exit, the atmosphere, the people in the place, the ambient temperature and I stay away from the window, especially if we are in the middle of the street and any rampaging car is around. I've seen A Thousand Ways to Die and I'm aware of many things, so I prefer to stay away from the window hahahaha.

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