How Do You Enjoy Your Coffee More/ STB Week 65

Do you enjoy coffee more when you prepare it yourself or when someone else prepares it for you? Tell us the reasons for your preference.

Hello friends 👋 happy week, I hope you are very well, welcome to my Blog, today I join the weekly contest of the community, answering the questions about my favorite choice when it comes to enjoy a rich coffee, as to whether I like to prepare it myself or prefer to do it for me.

And the truth is that I must confess that I am somewhat demanding when it comes to drinking coffee, I do not like clear coffee, or as we say in Venezuela, the guayoyo, I prefer coffee with intense flavors and a lot of aroma, that is in a perfect balance, not red coffee or watered down coffee, but coffee coffee.

And I say this because I have come to places where I ask for a strong coffee and they go overboard on strong or the opposite case, they give it to you so clear that you don't know if you are drinking coffee, tea, or chamomile 🤣🤣.

I remember a year ago I did a hairdressing course and my teacher had been forbidden to drink coffee for a while, and she in order not to give it up completely, she took it very clear, she was a specialist in offering us coffee when we arrived to class and all my classmates accepted it.


At the beginning I received it as a courtesy and the second time I had to say no, because I did not like it, I thought that she did not have enough coffee and to make it and share it with us all she had to make it clearer, and I opted to give her a bag of coffee, but the next day it was just as watery and that was when she explained that she liked it that way and that in fact it had been forbidden for a health condition and she did not give it up, she prepared it even clearer, When it was time to distribute it, she did not offer it to me because she knew that I did not like the way she did it, my other classmates took it that way just to look good with her and I only said that I did not like it that way, I was sincere and she understood it and we were in peace.

It was her classes, her rules, but that didn't mean I had to take a bad coffee 🤣. Because of that and other circumstances I have learned that I should not accept something I don't like and this not only with coffee, but with life in general and its various circumstances, I should say no when something is not pleasant for me.


That is why I enjoy coffee when I prepare it myself, I have even considered the idea of taking a barista course so I can prepare my coffee like in a good coffee shop, with good presentation and perfect balances in quantity and temperature.

I enjoy preparing my coffee myself, but I also enjoy drinking it from someone else who meets my requirements, as well as drinking it in a nice coffee shop, especially when they are mokaccino or others. And you, how do you like your coffee the most?

  • Images extracted from pixabay, thumbnail edited in Canva, I used the translator DeepL to share with you the English version.

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