Oopsie Daisy.

The annoying alarm clock blared once again. I woke up wondering if there was anyone who didn't think their alarm clocks were annoying. With the residual tiredness from last night, I walked into the bathroom, did my morning cleaning ritual and then proceeded to put on some fresh work clothes.



I had so much fun last night and I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I walked into the kitchen, opened the top shelf, grabbed a packet of coffee and made myself a cup. All this while, I was still reminiscing on how wildly I screamed during my ride on the rollercoaster. I took a gulp from the cup in my hands but for some reason, it felt different.

Why does this coffee taste this way? I pondered as I reached for the packet.

“Aph..ro..di..siac co..ffee!” I spelled out. I could feel chills running down my spine as I remembered that it was Monday and the company had general meetings which I usually chaired. As such, these meetings were important to me.

After having loads of fun yesterday, my group of friends went shopping and I decided to tag along. I didn't mean to buy anything as I already bought some groceries a few days earlier. While they went about shopping, I walked up to my favourite part in all supermarkets; the aisle with coffee.

As expected, I saw a variety of coffee brands but one of them caught my attention and so I beaconed on the only other person who I knew was a coffee lover.

“Julius. I'm certain you have tasted all of these” Julius, who wasn't much of a talker, scanned the shelves quickly and then nodded.

“So you have had this aphrodisiac coffee before?” Julius nodded once again.

“Would you advise anyone to take it? I asked finally and it seemed like the question broke the camel's back, literally.

“Would I recommend it? Girl! From the very first time I tasted that stuff, I have loved it. It is literally the only type of coffee I take these days. All i would say is that if you do not taste this then you would miss out on a whole lot.” Julius rambled. If the aphrodisiac coffee could make Julius ramble this much then it was worth the shot.

“Thank you Julius,” I said. He nodded and walked away.


I skimmed through the scribblings on the packet of the coffee. “Stress-relieve and increased energy levels” were the words that made me make up my mind. And now, I had mistakenly taken it on a Monday morning!

Loads of thoughts kept flooding my mind. What if I misbehaved at work? Couldn't I just call in sick or tell the company that my dog died and I wouldnt be making it to work? Every excuse I came up with sounded flimsy. The only other option I had was to gain composure and head on to work.

With a deep breath, I gathered my belongings and headed to work, each step feeling like a leap into the unknown. As I entered the boardroom, my heart pounded in my chest. I hope the sentence ‘I took aphrodisiac coffee this morning’ wasnt written on my forehead.



“Alright ladies and gentlemen. It is great to have you all here. The meeting would begin shortly and we would be following the same format, just like previous Mondays.” I announced with a smile. It took so much composure to say those words considering the buzz that was coursing through my veins.

Shortly afterwards, the meeting commenced. I had to change sitting postures from time to time to prevent any unnecessary mishaps. An hour and a few minutes later, everyone had given their report. I adjourned the meeting and immediately dashed out of the boardroom and headed for my office.

Usually, I waited for all the staff to leave the boardroom but today wasn't that day. The adrenaline that so effortlessly danced through my body had begun to develop weak legs as the effect of the aphrodisiac coffee was slowly wearing off.

I sat in the hushed comfort of my office after I instructed my secretary to cancel all my engagement for the day. Just like Julius said, this was one of the best coffee I had ever had but I was certainly never going to take it on a work day. Never again.


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