Snow Monkey In My Coffee At Enza Cafe

Before an hour long hike to see the snow monkeys of Japan, we stopped by the only cafe we saw on the way. It’s conveniently located near the parking area and drop off area. We figured we should grab something to eat first before heading to see the monkeys because we might get hungry there. No food’s allowed to be there as the monkeys might get aggresive.

While my friends were discussing what to have, I was busy staring outside. It’s snowing lightly that time. I was also seated beside the glass window, perfect for my dramatic moment. LOL

Some of us were full so we decided to only have coffee and share some food. But then, I was a bit hungry and I wanted to have energy before hiking so I got myself fish and chips. Then the entire group decided to share some pizzas.

I thought they’d get only one pizza but seems like it was small so we decided to have 2, different kinds: chicken teriyaki, and the local nozawana leaf and mushroom pizza. Both were good! We got both in thin crust.

Our coffee arrived and they came in cute art lattes! Everybody ordered cafe latte, even when few hours before arriving here, my friends had coffee for breakfast. I didn’t had coffee yet so no risk of palpilations for me. 😅

My friends didn’t actually need to order coffee but when they saw what it is, they immediately got one for themselves.

It’s a snow monkey marshmallow cafe latte!

They gave us marshmallow with a monkey design that we could put into our coffee, making it like what we would be seeing in the snow monkey park: the monkeys enjoying a dip in the hot spring.

I like that it’s been floating and floating and eventually, it melted. Mine was the last to melt. Not that it’s something to brag about. 🙈

The coffee taste was the typical cafe latte, and yes I’m still not used to this bitter taste that I had to add more sugar. I’m cutting down on sugar but I couldn’t help it when having coffee. How do you get used to this? 🧐

Anyways, after our quick slow brunch, we headed to the snow monkey park. Another story for another day.

After we had the encounter with the famous monkeys, guess what? We’re back at Enza Cafe. We’re a bit hungry but we didn’t want to eat heavy so this time, we shared karaage (fried chicken) and got ourselves desserts. I really think the highlight of this day was eating at Enza Cafe. 😂

A friend ordered cheesecake set. It’s cheesecake with soft serve ice cream. He reckoned it was good, and I think he’s not lying because he finished it fast.

The rest of us got the apple pie set which is apple pie with the soft serve ice cream. Nagano, the prefecture we’re in, is famous for its apple pies so we didn’t miss the chance to have a bite. It’s now more than a bite because we have 2 pieces for each of us. Yay!

The apple pie was just perfect flavor. It was kinda difficult to eat it though with the small plastic fork they provided.

No more coffee this time because we already had in the morning. If they have hot cocoa version of the snow monkey marshmallow, I would definitely order it. It’s cold so a hot drink should have been perfect.

Design on the wall

The cafe had ramen too if you’re feeling super hungry. As I’ve mentioned, we didn’t want to eat heavy. Though I would have ordered it because I wanted to try. Maybe next time if I’m in the area again.

They also do takeouts but I think it’s best to eat in and take it slow.

If ever you’ll be going to the snow monkey park, grab a coffee in Enza Cafe. 🐒 I think you’ll be needing that caffeine kick anyways.

Thanks for reading!

all photos are taken by my phone unless stated otherwise.

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