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Tea instead of coffee for a few days


A warm greeting to all of us who are coffee lovers in this #cinnamoncupcoffee community.

I hope you are fabulous, drinking the best drink in the world that sometimes we enjoy it very freely, every hour we enjoy it alone or with company and we never lack, but at other times we place a stop, because we go through certain diseases or even go through an operation.

Some time ago I told you that my gynecologist diagnosed me with myomatosis, therefore he suggested surgery, as I have never gone through this, it was hard for me to accept and I opted for natural products, I trusted that it would work, also because of my age I am pre less pausic, and with this they tend to reduce, but it did not help either.


Confident in this, I spent a lot of time and never left coffee, because my addiction to it is forever, because I consider it the best drink that makes my days fabulous since I start my day.

Two months ago I went for a medical consultation and the doctor told me that my condition persists, because the myoma is very large and that besides looking fatter, so I planned for my operation, there was no other way out.

The day of my surgery came and with it the nerves, since I had never been in an operating room, I tell you that what strengthened me first my faith in God and secondly the phrase “This is temporary because it will pass”. After two hours the hysterectomy was ready and successful, I was grateful because everything went well.



Since that Thursday August 15 I do not consume coffee, making me very much missing, the next day I was discharged, and by order of my doctor forbade me coffee, so from that day I am consuming tea, something that I used to drink eventually, something as simple as that hehehehe.

My dear friend @angelica7 visited me and gave me a gift of Dulces sueños tea, made of natural herbs with a mild flavor that suits me very well. When I drink my cup of tea I imagine it's coffee, and it goes away.



I have thought of buying decaffeinated coffee, first I will consult the doctor tomorrow at the medical appointment, because I miss my precious liquid very much, I have not felt headache because my painkillers that the doctor sent me help.

As much as I am looking forward to my speedy recovery, I miss drinking my coffee, so I only console myself with my tea. The important thing is that I am doing very well and my health has improved.




Content, photographs and separators of my authorship. @wendyth16

Traducido con DeepL//Translated with DeepL
