Signature Coffee of Suasana Kopi

Signature Coffee of Suasana Kopi

Hello everyone...

Have you ever surfed from one cafe to another to enjoy various coffee creations? That's what I've been doing lately. With so many cafe franchises in the capital city of Jakarta, it feels like enjoying one creation twice is a huge loss. So I will not stop trying one coffee creation from one cafe to another.

And it turns to Suasana Kopi

Suasana Kopi means Mood Coffee in english, but it feels strange if you read it in English, so let's just call it Suasana Kopi.

This coffee is the signature coffee from Suasana Coffee. Suasana Kopi Cafe is located in the outer ring of the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium arena.

The signature of Mood Kopi is a creation of coffee, milk and biscuits. The combination of these main ingredients is then called Biscoff Coffee.

  • Biscoff Coffee

As I said before that nowadays Bisscoff Coffee is a trend in Indonesia. I have found out several menu from merk instant coffee in a supermarket. So I ordered this menu at Suasana Kopi.

Even though Biscoff Coffee menu contains biscuits, they don't mix the biscuits like they mix coffee and milk. Biscuits in the Biscoff coffee menu are used as toppings. They blend the biscuits or mash them until they are smooth, then sprinkle them on top of the ready-to-drink milk coffee.

Can you see it the sprinkle of Biscuits?

  • The Taste

The Biscof coffee created by Suasana Kopi has a creamy taste, which comes from the creamer. I ordered this coffee with less sugar but I still felt the sweet taste was too much, in other words, this sweet is not suitable for my standards. Then, the important thing about the taste of coffee with milk is that we can still feel the taste of the coffee (espresso) when the sugar content is reduced. However, in this menu I still don't get the taste of the coffee. All I remember is the creaminess on the tongue. There are several possibilities why I can't taste the coffee in my glass. It could be because they only put one shot of espresso, or because the coffee taste was so soft that I couldn't taste it.

Through this review I can decide that I am very happy to be able to experience the new menu that is currently trending. However, I probably won't order the same menu another day as long as there are still many variations of flavors made by cool baristas in other cafes.

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you...

Vivie Hardika

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.

Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author.

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