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➤ "Coffee scented love"【Love Story】

A bitter and lonely coffee shop owner will discover, as fate would have it, that the magic of coffee can unexpectedly bring joy to his life

Imagen de Nicky ❤️🌿🐞🌿❤️ en Pixabaysource

   Like everyday Joaquin, a Colombian immigrant living in the United States for more than 20 years, walks through the lonely streets of downtown Doral during the early hours of the morning, on his way to his coffee shop, while enjoying the beautiful sunrise that emerges from the horizon reflecting on the calm sea of the bay, leaving in his mind an image worthy of a gallery painting, or at least it serves to cheer up his daily routine, enjoying once again the beauty that the nature of this place offers to comfort him, making him leave behind in the memories of his dreams, the loneliness that usually accompanies him.

   This young and good-looking man has had a very hard life since he decided to separate himself from the family tradition of coffee production, something that, nevertheless, is in his blood, the reason for which he still maintains distant commercial relations with his father's business in his native country, who provides him with the best Colombian coffee beans with certification of origin, something that is the key point of his business success within this community, where the public has a very demanding and refined taste with the varieties of the aromatic beverage.

   When standing in front of the doors of the premises, one can read a large sign that reads: "coffee shop with scented", an idea that he designed, placing himself in his childhood when he used to run around his father's hacienda, where one of the best coffee beans in the world is produced. Since he was only 7 years old, this remarkable boy learned little by little everything there is to know about the planting of the seeds, knowing how to choose which outstanding varieties, mixtures, and vegetable grafts that increase the quality, flavor, and what attracts his attention the most, the scented.

   The essence is his main secret, thus achieving the loyalty of the public, that is why he has installed a ventilation tube that faces the outskirts of the store with a vaporizer producing an exotic, but delicious air, which expands along at least two blocks flooding the sense of smell of every being that passes through these surroundings with the smell of a good freshly brewed coffee, which inevitably attracts numerous people, that is why he opens the coffee shop so early, even a few hours before the first employee arrives to work.

Foto de Amelia Hallsworth source

   Despite his business success and good economic position, Joaquin is a rather bitter man, maybe because of the difficult relationship with his father and his family in general, but he has always preferred solitude and isolation, becoming a mysterious and even dark character, who at 40 years old still hasn't managed to find the love of his life and what is even worse, it doesn't even seem to be something he cares about, since his world revolves only around the anxiety to produce money, leaving aside all the pleasures, without giving himself time to live, only submerged in his anguish and problems.

   The morning progresses and the employee responsible for waiting tables does not show up, something that makes the coffee maker experience great anguish as he observes how the business is filling up with customers and that the staff at the bar is no longer enough to offer the excellent service full of speed that is a hallmark of his brand.

   So without waiting any longer, he puts on his clothes and proceeds to serve the tables, although in a very bad temper and with a face so serious that it will probably scare away anyone who wants to request a service, a few minutes later the store reaches its peak hour, filling even the aisles with queues of people waiting for their hot coffee to start the work day, while Joaquín is totally collapsed, trying to be efficient in serving the tables, but feeling widely surpassed.

   Amid the nervousness to get the orders out on time, he takes more cups of coffee on his tray than his hands can handle. When he turns around abruptly, he collides face to face with a girl behind him, spilling a large amount on his long leather jacket, which fortunately prevented it from burning, but leaving it completely soaked in the aromatic drink, which caused great annoyance in Joaquin, who, with his eyes on the ground, grumpily complained as he picked up the mess he had made.

Foto de brooklyn en Unsplash source

   But his life changed forever when he finally looked up and could observe the beautiful girl he had bathed in coffee, who was not upset, but quite the opposite, she was staring at him with bright eyes of admiration and a big smile, gently placed a hand on the chest of the bitter coffee maker to tell him to calm down, She gently placed a hand on his chest to say to him to calm down, because everything was fine, which left Joaquín bewildered and speechless, while he watched as the blonde-haired woman took off her fine clothes, taking the opportunity to sit down to enjoy a new coffee and exchange a few words with him, leaving him madly in love.

   If destiny exists, or at least love, at first sight, this is one of those situations in which we could say that all the forces of the universe conspired, to turn a bitter businessman into a sensitive and gentle person transformed by the magic of love he discovered that morning, thanks to the scented of coffee that attracted this beautiful girl straight to the store, also escaping from a busy day of work that awaited him in the solitude of his luxurious business office.

Foto de photofunia source

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This is an Original Story written by @susurrodelmisterio for Hive.

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