Cover image by @sidalim88, using public domain image, Source. Pixabay, Couleur :

One of the most beautiful times for every young person is the university stage, during which you have the opportunity to meet new people and even more so when you study outside of the geographical space where you live.

I still remember those long weekends where we met many students to make the fraternity meetings and in which were established to overcome certain activities to be able to become part of this group, when I had to make my challenge were several activities to solve, which were not easy, but I have always been a very extroverted person, willing to set goals beyond my own scope and belong to this group was one of them.

There were several activities assigned and many were rejected for not being able to meet these challenges, the first one I was assigned was to build a (sand worm) can you imagine that? I was making a worm out of sand when I was not even good with the elaboration of any craft, but I had a bundle up my sleeve and it was my favorite drink, who empowered me those skills necessary to perform any activity, this coffee from a special tree was my secret recipe and thanks to it I would become part of the fraternity of the university.

They took me to the sports field where the sand was abundant and it was there where I began my gentle work and after several hours of trying I managed to perform the (sand worm) and thus climb a big step within this team, for them it was not a big deal but for me it was the first of many big steps in me.

Public domain image, extracted from: Pixabay, Peter H:

The second test was not long in coming and immediately they took me to the (basement door) of the campus, a place quite lonely and full of many old objects, but where they could not have access to light, there I just had to catch an animal species that was very aggressive and was considered the mascot of the group, this did give me some fear, but I had to do it I was not going to give up, so I set out to meet that second test.

When I entered I tripped with a very heavy object (blacksmith) that fell on my leg and hurt me, I screamed so loudly that I felt that I had awakened everyone who was sleeping there that weekend, After a few hours I recovered and everything was in complete silence and I could only perceive a shadow of a species that half whitened in that dark place, which I tried to catch it, but it was like a bird and gave me very strong pecks, I felt like it was tearing off pieces of flesh with its beak, but finally after several attempts and many stumbles I caught it.

Everyone was somewhat surprised by the state in which I left the (basement) and I set out to place in my wounds, some of that brown powder with coffee aroma that I always carried with me to calm the flow of blood, that night they let me rest because of my serious state, but at dawn I had to continue with my final test, I spent the whole night looking at the (street lamp) that lit the window of that room and drinking some coffee for the cold dawn.

The sun was just beginning to radiate when one of the members of the fraternity came to my room and told me that I had to fulfill this final challenge and if I did it I would be part of their group, I felt so much emotion that my legs trembled a little and my body was a little sore, I forgot for those moments my complaints and I went to a room where there was a (puzzle box) of about ten thousand pieces, this was my great passion even when they did not know I excelled in building these pieces and with some astonishment and eyes of fear to simulate the situation I entered the room and began my arduous task established at the base of the floor.

I started from the outside to the inside was the figure of the logo of the fraternity and this was composed of a great combination of colors that made me a little more difficult this process, but I needed the concentration and time to solve this great riddle, so I took my last sip of coffee and I was ready to let fly my skills of creator and builder and step by step and patiently began this great journey to identify and fit the pieces as required.

Public domain image, extracted from: Pixabay, Julita:

A couple of nights went by and I could only distinguish them by the reflection of the (street lamp) that reached the foot of my window in those moments I began to miss the coffee and I lost a lot my own concentration, but I made an effort and finally I managed to put each one of those pieces and when I placed the last one I was so excited that I forgot the fatigue that accompanied me and very happy I shouted (Eureka) and immediately everyone entered the room and with great amazement they admired my great masterpiece at the base of the floor that occupied a large space of the same.

With this challenge I managed to join the fraternity and with time I gained the respect and admiration of all the members and became the main leader of this group on the university campus.

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