We all know that coffee is the best beverage to share and enjoy good company, although all of this will depend on the mood and the needs of the consumer.

There are those who can enjoy their work activities consuming a good cup of coffee, those who decide to read a good book accompanied by it or those who only decide to organize their ideas and use coffee as a base.

I have moved through all these spaces, but none of these events can replace the experiences shared and lived with my husband and my children, they are my favorite accomplices who venture with me every week to experience a new coffee delight and if we are short of time, we only need a negrito to have a special moment.

One of our most special moments is in the morning, waking up my husband with this delicious aroma is like drawing a smile on his face that turns into optimism for the different activities of the day to day. Even when many of us do not give importance to these small details, starting the day with a good coffee and a positive attitude leaves you with very good results along the way.

This moment for us is so sacred that it literally seems that time freezes to enjoy our morning cup of coffee, it is where we share our activities of the day, the plans to execute and where we say goodbye for 6 or 8 hours to fulfill each one of us with our responsibilities.

Not to mention Sundays, which are our favorite days, because we go from a week full of work to share our day of rest and enjoy coffee recipes with our family. They are our selected days and where we all look forward to delight our palate with this exquisite beverage.

In the same way, I have learned over time that the favorite place is built by oneself, you do not need a coffee shop or luxuries to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, the only thing that cannot be missing is the protagonist and all of us in this community know which one it is.

This has been my participation in the 71st weekly proposal of this community, it would be interesting that you, my reader friends, let us know your opinions related to this initiative, so be encouraged to share it with the @cinnccf community.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.

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