Coffee And Personalities || STB #75


Before now, I always go with the saying that "don't judge a book by its cover" but with time I got to know that while its not good to always judge, still you can tell little things about people based on what they do.

I remembered back when I was younger and one of my uncles came to visit us for a few days. The next morning, after having our breakfast and it was time to take our beverage. I added milk and sugar to my coffee, I was about to add milk and sugar to my uncle's coffee but I decided to check with him before pouring adding it.

"Don't add milk to my coffee!", He almost screamed my ear off acting like I wanted to commit an abomination.

"Kabir likes his coffee black" my dad said laughing.

"Maybe that's why he is very black", I said to myself while chuckling Inwardly.

"How will you get the real taste of coffee when you have diluted it with milk and sugar?" He asked to take his cup of coffee from me.

"Sugar and Milk helps it taste very sweet", I said, trying to argue my point.

"Coffee is best taken plain, no need to further complicate it by adding sugary things", he said while going back to sit with my dad.

I knew him as someone who is very rigid, so seeing how he loves the bitter taste of coffee, I wasn't surprised.


Till today, I still know him to be very rigid and doesn't embrace change. He prefers things to be very simple and straightforward. One thing I would say I like about him is that he is very straight forward, he says things as it is without a thought of how it might affect people.

Back then I often wondered why someone would not add sugar to something that's bitter because We children loves sweet things so I really didn't understand what he was talking about but now I know better and unlike my uncle, I sometimes like to spice things up.

Change they say is constant which means, sometimes I add milk and sugar, just to spice things up as I believe doing things the same way all the time tends to make it boring and tiring. So I love being spontaneous.

There is a friend of mine who only takes coffee during weekends which sounded a bit weird to me at first. According to her, coffee shouldn't be rushed and can only be enjoyed when she doesn't have a workload weighing her down as coffee helps her relax. I later noticed as I got closer to her that she was someone who loves to take her time to do things as she believes what is worth doing is worth doing well.


One of my cousins will never drink coffee black, ever. She adds lots of milk and sugar and also accompanies it with a snack, as that was the best way to "savor all its sweetness" (her words not mine). She is a foodie anyway so her mouth is always moving 😀😀.

I agree that how people take coffee sometimes gives a little insight into their personalities.

All Images used are mine.

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