Mazagran made from coffee and lemon.

Mazagran which is said to be a coffee and lemon

Hello community, how are you. Hope you are having a good Friday the eve of an upcoming weekend.

Today is my last week in terms of vacation days, then I only have the weekend and Monday is the day to get back to work routine.

Today I wanted to make another experience with coffee at home. I've been researching and researching but as I don't have many ingredients in my house I saw this recipe and saw that it was very simple to make and as I always liked cold coffee too, although now we are At a colder time of year I wanted to make this recipe called Mazagran which is said to be a coffee and lemon refreshment and as I love not only coffee but also lemons I had to make and believe me this delicious, it's really good and when the weather returns more hot I will come back to do more often.

Hope you like it.


1-First of all we only need coffee, it can be machine a slice or two of lemon, cold water and ice.

Anyone who wants can add sugar but I didn't.

2-In a cup or a mug, we put our coffee first, it should be good coffee.


3-Thirdly, we go to our fridge or refrigerator and add some fresh water, if you don't have it, it can be tap water.


4-Then if we have ice at home and I always have some ice in my fridge we put about 3 to 4 ice cubes.


5-Lastly and very importantly, which will give a very good touch, we can add one or two lemon slices to taste and mix everything to mix and our coffee and lemon refreshment is made.


Friends I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you taste it at home it's delicious.

See you in the next post.

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