Koco Black


Whether I feel the need for a quick coffee or need a coffee space to lounge in, Koco Black is definitely a consideration. In a favorable location in One Paseo, Banilad, Cebu City is a corner coffee shop that offers classic coffee options along with their unique signature coffee flavors.



Amongst the big coffee shops around the area, the overall cozy and welcoming atmosphere of Koco Black is what makes it a standout for me. I like to think of it as a cozy, minimalist corner among the busy buildings that surround it.

Coffee orders are taken on the counter inside. There are some seating spaces available inside, but it is very limited. Fortunately, there are also seating spaces outside. I find their interior very cute, really taking in the idea and identity of a small corner coffee shop.



We ordered our coffee and sat outside. On most days, we just get from the regular coffee options. For the regular coffee options, my favorite is their salted caramel latte. I think that the salt gives a kick to the caramel flavored coffee. For a change, we tried to select drinks from their signature coffee options. We got two of their signature coffees: Creme Brulee and Salty Sunset Caramel. They are both really good, and made really special. I have to warn about the sweetness; it is a bit on the sweeter side. Luckily for me, I prefer the sweetness.




Another factor of why I like Koco black is that my partner designed it. My partner is a graphic designer who does brand identity and one of the brands he worked on is Koco Black. It just makes me really proud to be there and see what he created. So aside from what it can offer, it also holds a sentiment over me.


My attempt at editing my name over their cup haha what a cute feature

I enjoyed going to Koco Black for both the coffee and the vibes. It is definitely a coffee shop I recommend going to or order online since they are available on food delivery sites.

Thank you for reading my blog! It’s my first in a while since I just recovered from a fever. I have so much to catch up to!

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