Greetings July with Love

Hello and Greetings coffee lovers, Welcome July. Omg time past so fast. Today i wanted to share with you this newly open Cafe name OMG ( Omega Cafe ) which just open couple of weeks ago. And finally have time for a visit at this Cafe. Lemme show you some of the enviroment.

The Front pouch with some plant such as flower and huge tree acting as a cooling shelter for you to chill and relax especially on these summer. With cozy and breezy enviroment with some slow jazz music coming out from the speaker that as well. Not only that is also quiet and of course with free WI-FI for you too.

The ordering section with some snacks and desserts.

Some Martini perhaps?

The aroma of coffee beans, so fresh yet with the sound of during the process of making it. Patient and make with love makes the perfect coffee all the time. No doubt there's so many coffee lover all the time.

Some green tea with reflections perhaps?

i ordered cup of green tea frappe. Did not manage to grab of shot of the process of making it. But i saw they use green tea powder and stir it in a bowl just like the japanese do. Cost of this is 55 Baht. Average cup of coffee is around 35-70 baht depends on which type of coffee you prefer. With no tax or service charges and air conditioned make it a perfect spot to hangout all the day. What's your favourite coffee of all time? Mind recommend me some of it?

I am Reid signing out. Until then. Welcome July and Enjoy your coffee.

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