RE: Life's a bitch sometimes

blood oranges look superb, not saying about the matured cheese!

In the spring, my wife and I feel a terribly lack of vitamins in the blood, and therefore, in recent months, every week we have been buying a couple of kilograms of grapefruits, they are now wonderful - juicy, easy to peel (unlike oranges), starting the day with 1/2 of a huge grapefruit is a great pleasure.. .and a good kick in the ass for a sleepy body :)

in our summer house we use electricity for cooking, but experience blackouts pretty frequently... for these black days, my wife obtained a spare gas mini system (a piece of camping equipment), -- we already tried it a couple of times last summer ( checked how it works with brewing coffee, ofc :)

By the way, there might be a good topic for a challenge: emergency coffee.
A while ago I dropped in the discord channel an idea for another prom: your favorite book quotes about coffee. (but didn’t receive an answer, you probably didn’t notice). what do you think?

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