RE: morning coffee with simple cheese (a thoughful sunday post)

Sorry that you cannot get this sugar at the moment. Hope it will change soon!

no, you did not get the situation right... right now I can buy it (yet) xD
but the perspective on the horizon is... below zero.
it will change soon, and it will change to worse, hehe

I guess you follow all the news about the sanctions and the boycotto my country is getting from the
indignant world community, ranging from the arrest of the Russian gold reserves stored in the United States, to the revocation of certificates from banks, the termination of visa and mastercard cards, paypal, ebay, cancellation of paid Netflix subscriptions, stop of YouTube monetization for Russian vbloggers, etc. etc. - all these are elements of "the cansel culture", which have nothing to do with the war and definitely striking not at the Russian troops, but blowing at the common Russian people, and I don't see how it can change to the better... but I see 146% it will change for the worse.

Thanks for stopping by to warm up...

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