Stunning new Coffee Shop opens in Kapparis, Cyprus

Enjoying a delicious cuppa

Great vibe at matú

Times are still a bit tough for Cyprus and although tourists are arriving, the numbers are still a little low.

My daughter Eden and I were delighted for find a new coffee shop on the strip. What a marvellous atmosphere they have created here and the staff are very friendly and helpful.

Delicious cappuccino

Our order hummus with pitta bread and edamame beans

Hummus with pitta bread and edamame beans

With Eden's EGGSTA cap in the background

The Barinside

Indoor atmosphere also great

Unusual crockery - great for plating

Modern and clean WC

Advertising their delicious coffee

As is usual for Cyprus the toilets were upstairs. Spotlessly clean and very modern.

The service was outstanding and we were greeted warmly. When questioning items on the menu, this was explained to us in detail. The staff were also super accommodating in allowing us to order items from the Night Menu which was great!

The chairs were also extremely comfortable and the dishes were served in such a pleasing manner to the eye.

We will definitely return to this gem of a coffee shop. The breakfast menu is also very appealing. Can't wait to try this sometime. We'll be back

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