The Coffee Vampire/ STB #57

The legend tells of a friendly vampire who was very particular, people saw him in the street and even greeted him and many offered him a cup of coffee. This vampire was different from the others, because his delirium was not human blood, but the coffee of others.

He wanted the coffee from the houses of his neighbors, he wanted to take it all, he would sneak into the houses at night and take all the coffee, in the mornings the families were indignant because they realized that the vampire had done it once again, he took all their coffee even when it was powdered.


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So they began to put double security to the houses and the vampire no longer had tiny places to enter, the families were calm because the vampire could no longer do his thing, on the other hand, the vampire was sad, because he only wanted to taste the different flavor of coffee of each family. It was then when all the locals realized how sad the vampire was, after all he was not a malevolent vampire, he was just a coffee lover.

So they decided to organize themselves and invite the vampire every day to drink coffee, they left it at night near the kitchen window in a thermos that kept it warm, they all bought a thermos and every day each family took turns.



When it was time for the vampire to leave, he would visit a house and at the window he would find his thermos of hot coffee prepared by that family, he would pour it into his thermos and he would happily go back to his lair.

It was then when the villagers could be calm with the vampire, they gave him his daily dose of coffee and in return they had a friendly vampire who also cared for everyone and took care of the people from any danger.

The end.

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