RE: Top 5 coffee curiosities that you might not know (ENG/ESP)

3Cs No Plagiarism.jpg

I see cited photo sources, but where are the sources of all this written information?

Community Rules # 5: Original Content only. Zero tolerance for plaigiarism.

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There is evidence of plaigiarism here:

Screenshot 2022-07-19 at 22.05.12.png

See full version of source of information found on the internet.

Although coffee is a tropical plant, the first mention of it was by the botanist Léonard Rauwolf in his book on botany and medicine, Léonard Rauwolf was a researcher who after returning from a trip to the Middle East decided to document and record everything he learned during his trip in order to have a good guide of all the different plants he found and the use of each one.

And it is here where he talks for the first time about the coffee plant that at that time was not described as "Coffee" and here is a quote from his book where he talks about this plant

"A drink as black as ink, useful against numerous ills, particularly stomach ailments. Its consumers take it in the morning, in all frankness, in a porcelain cup that is passed from one to another and from which each one takes a full glass. It is made up of water and the fruit of a shrub called bunnu."

You have spoken about a quote, but you have not given sources of your information, and the same text can be found here:!

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Also, please explain here:

In 2014 I revealed that people who drink 4 cups of coffee per day have a 16% lower risk of death in any case, that means that we can drink 4 cups of coffee and we will be prolonging our life 16% more than those who do not drink coffee.

You said you revealed the above in 2014? Where?

I see that you joined the blockchain in February 2021, so you should be aware of the importance of producing original content.

This post is classed as plaigiarised.

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