"The Strange Coffee Lover"


Image by Pixabay Source edited in Canva by the author


Licho's Passion

Mr. Licho is an elderly person whose passion for coffee is abysmal.

A few years ago the economic situation of the family and the country was a detonating point in the consumption of coffee because of the costs of this product, it was given priority to other products for food consumption.

Brands of coffee began to appear in the market, on the other hand in the market he could get 100 grams for a cost that he said he could afford. He became a coffee taster because every day in the search for a brand that felt good on his palate was a journey.

One day, he acquired one that when he tasted it very enthusiastically, he almost vomited.

-No, no, noooo...what is this? It tastes like burnt wood. They are killing us selling things for coffee and who knows what they put in it to make it taste good.

To this his wife responds:

-The desperation for coffee leads you to that, let's calmly look for one of the acquaintances, let's make a little economic effort and let's not give up because of the price of it.


Image by Pixabay Source

Mr. Licho accepted in view of the fact that his wife had more money coming in than him, that in spite of the cost of the products, such a purchase could be made. They did so.

This was an unsuccessful search because the known brands were now unknown of so many that came to the market...he began again the coffee test to discard brands and keep the one with the best flavor.

His wife said to him:

-Love, control your coffee intake a little. Make less quantity so that your anguish for it will be less.

But, Licho's passion for coffee is a case in point.

He was out of the country for a year and was asked if he had tasted a famous one in that country to which he answered:

-There are many brands that we started to buy to try, until we found one that adapted to my palate: I returned to my country and I did not even see that famous one. My coffee was never missing. That coffee hour continued to be sacred for me, how much I enjoy it.

Every morning the house is impregnated with the smell of freshly brewed coffee... he fills his thermos... he does not limit himself to how many cups of coffee he must consume per day... in the cupboard he keeps several bags of coffee so as not to go through that unpleasant moment of limiting himself or not having it.


Image by PixabaySource

Now Mr. Licho shares his coffee, he no longer listens to his wife when she offered him tea to replace the coffee.

Thanks to @germanandradeg,
I invite @andreaelina , @abaddon15 to participate.

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