Resolutions time! It’s New Year’s Eve, of course!

There were just a dozen of seconds remaining. The clock was hurrying already into the new day, which would mean that we have reached another milestone - the year of 2023!

After a peaceful evening with the kids we were almost ready to go take some sleep. New year parties are not the same already. The kids easily manage to soak all your energy and everything you need is some rest. But there was something more to do. Traditions were still traditions. As we welcome in the start of the new year, many people take the opportunity to reflect on the past year and set goals for the year ahead. Resolutions are premises we make to ourselves to improve our lives in one way or another.

I and my wife had one little dream lately. With all the kids and their toys scattered everywhere around, we sometimes hardly find place for ourselves and with the third baby on the way, it’s gonna become even harder. We wanted a house that would be reasonably larger and be able to fit all of us, without sacrificing the toys, or the dedicated parent’s space. We knew that this would require a lot of savings.

The clock’s hand reached the top of the clock. It was time! The champagne popped and we filled our glasses. My wife reached me and hugged me. She whispered in my ear…

-You know that we need that bigger house and we have to think of a way to reduce our monthly expenses.

-That’s true! But how do you expect to make this come true?

She was looking at me a bit worried.
-I was thinking… Can we cut off from our coffee expenses? I mean… we will stop buying this expensive specialty coffee. Maybe we can stick to some cheaper alternatives for some time?

I looked at her stunned a bit.

-Can I give you the answer tomorrow? I guess one day will not harm our house saving habits at all.

-Okay, of course you can have a bit of time!

I knew that I had to think of something and this had to happen fast. I was not gonna sacrifice my coffee!

The morning came. And although the kids went to bed relatively late, they popped up with the first sunlight. We didn’t manage to get our sleep at all. My wife looked at me desperately…

-Can I have a cup of coffee, please? I’m not gonna make it to the evening without some.

And the plan raised quickly in my mind.

I got up quickly and rushed into the neighboring shop. I chose the cheapest, still famous brand of coffee. Coming back home and starting to prepare it, I didn’t make much effort in preparing it. I passed the cup to my wife and waited.

She reached her mouth with the coffee. Sip… sip… I saw her uncontrolled frown.

-What?!? What is this? Where’s my tasty coffee?

She poured the coffee right into the sink.

-Can I have a cup of good coffee now?

-I guess you cannot. We either stick with this coffee, or stop drinking at all. Otherwise we will not be able to save enough for a house?

-Maybe the house can wait a bit… what do you think? I just realized that I need my morning dose of nice emotions and I have to start my day properly. Maybe we will find another way to save money?

-Now we think the same.

I poured all of the coffee and brewed a beautiful batch of filter coffee. We were happy.

So… never ever try to sacrifice your beautiful cup of coffee. Everybody needs his little dose of morning happiness! Happy new year!

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