Family Visit and Coffee

Family Visit and Coffee

Greetings dear Cinnamon Cup Coffee, I hope everyone is well. Sunday afternoon was very calm and cold, I was with my son and my husband, after lunch, we were ready to watch a movie, since it was a rainy day, while I was thinking about what to write in my blog, since I had some recent pictures in my phone. I was trying to think about my story, my cell phone rang, a nephew was calling me and wanted to visit us. I immediately said yes, there was no problem to receive them.

As soon as everyone knew, we got ready to arrange the house for the guests, we usually do that every time someone comes home, we are always very happy to receive family and friends in the comfort of our home, because they turn out to be moments that we spend talking with laughter and merriment, remembering many pleasant things we shared together.

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The afternoon was passing by and in the middle of the stories and family news, an exquisite cup of coffee could not be missing, where the cups are emptied and filled, distilling the tasty aroma throughout the house and opening the space for a coffee gathering, which we do not know how long it will last, since it makes us feel so happy and encourages us to remain united.



Coffee is the beverage that creates a bond and traps us in a meeting, under a propitious environment created by ourselves, where any topic of conversation is of great interest. And even, we are interested in the coffee itself, because when it is very rich, we want to know the brand and in which supermarket, we buy it. So we spent our afternoon and part of the evening in a healthy and pleasant environment, where the special guest was our coffee gathering, in a family atmosphere, this was my story for that moment.




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