The taste of coffee is affected by elevation

Hi Hive Lovers

Coffee addicts are very concerned with the taste of the coffee they drink. Only you, as a coffee addict, can distinguish the flavors of the various coffee varieties you've tried, both Arabica and Robusta.

Several times I've been asked, "What am I looking for when I have to drink coffee at least three times a day?"
"Coffee taste" is everything to me as a coffee addict.

Previously, I have discussed a few things about coffee here. If you don't mind, then you can look back at my 12 posts at the following link:

I just received two kilograms of super-quality Gayo Arabica coffee beans from a friend who is a coffee farmer and has his own factory. He lives in the Gayo Highlands area of Rembune-Timang Gajah, where Gayo Coffee comes from.

I can feel the delicious taste of these coffee beans even before brewing them. It is very fragrant and seductive. I really can't describe the taste of it.

You can pay attention to the description of "garden height: 1460 mdpl" in my photo below, and it shows the level of height of the coffee-growing area that I received, and this is what we will discuss this time.

It is common knowledge that the taste of coffee is influenced by several factors, including soil, altitude, air pressure, the harvesting process, the post-harvest process, and brewing technique.

One of the determining factors for the taste of the coffee produced is the altitude level of the area where it is grown. The level of elevation at which a plant is planted is called elevation.

The midpoint for the elevation count for coffee, according to common knowledge among coffee lovers, is at 800 mdpl.

Mdpl stands for meters above sea level. According to Wikipedia, "Mdpl" is a term used to describe the height of a location above sea level and is expressed in meters.

If referring to what has been conveyed by Dr. Shawn Steiman in his book "The Little Coffee Know it All." - His book has influenced the decision of many coffee farmers around the world to grow the type of coffee that suits the conditions and altitude of a region.

Based on his research, Steiman has concluded that to measure the level of elevation of a good coffee cultivation, it is necessary to distinguish the variety and place of cultivation:

  • Arabica varieties will be better able to grow and develop at an altitude of about 800-1,900 mdpl with cold and cool climate conditions.
  • Robusta varieties can grow at all altitude levels, but it will be better to grow and develop at an altitude below 800 mdpl with warm climatic conditions.

Furthermore, Steiman said that the level of altitude turned out to have an effect on rainfall and air temperature. This means that the higher the elevation of the coffee plant, the lower the air temperature and the higher the rainfall.

Such climatic conditions greatly affect the process of decomposition of organic matter and the chemical composition of the planting area, which will ultimately affect the ripening process of coffee cherries. What was conveyed by Steiman has greatly helped coffee farmers in determining the selection of coffee planting locations and the use of fertilizer doses by adjusting the criteria and needs of the coffee plant.

Coffee grown in high elevation areas (>800 mdpl) has its own character, both in terms of aroma, acidity and varied taste (have you heard of berry coffee, peaberry, freshberry, etc.?). Meanwhile, coffee grown at lower elevations (<800 mdpl) has less flavor and lower acidity.

So, high elevation has a direct influence on the character of the coffee. both in terms of size, shape, and coffee flavor.

So far, coffees grown at elevations greater than 1300 mdpl have frequently won world coffee championships or are popular among coffee enthusiasts. The taste is very strong, and the character of the coffee beans is very dense and heavy; the fissure lines are tight and slanted or irregular. In contrast to coffee grown at low elevations, the yield of coffee beans is not dense and light, and the fissure lines are open and wide.

The taste and character of coffee produced at high elevations in the planting area in the highlands cause the growth of coffee beans to be very slow. This is what causes coffee production to be limited. As a result, this coffee is highly sought after, and the price is exorbitant.

I am lucky to have some kind-hearted friends, so I can taste various variants of coffee with different flavors and characters from various regions.
Thanks to a kind person who was there.

Greetings coffee lovers

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