A coffee stop in Jakarta

Going out to explore the city in this cold weather forces us to take short stops to warm up our bodies or eat a snack. That's how we entered this cozy cafe called "Jakarta".

We were greeted by its warmth and exquisite aroma as soon as we entered, so it was a resounding yes to stay to try the coffee.

The guy who served us was very friendly and as soon as he took our order he offered us the WiFi key which we gladly accepted, since we do not have a SIM with a Buenos Aires number and we depend on the internet to communicate.

We ordered coffee and milk, 3 "flat white" as indicated on the menu, 2 croissants with ham and cheese, and a toast with ham and cheese. Surely there will be those who will tell me that a flat white is very different from a simple coffee with milk, but bear with me, I am new to drinking coffee outside the home.

The coffee was served to us in very pretty cups and the food had a very nice presentation as well.

Something that caught my attention is that my cup and my friend's cup had decoration (you know that little drawing they make with the foam), but my husband's cup had no decoration. I wonder if it was because the drawing didn't come out or if gentlemen don't decorate their cafes, if they think it's a lady's thing.

As for the taste of the coffee, it was really delicious. I didn't really know if I was going to like it because I didn't know what the proportion of milk and coffee would be, because I like it with more coffee than milk, what they call in my country a "marroncito", that is, strong coffee with little milk. But I loved it, because I thought it had the perfect mix.

I think the coffee was of very good quality, with an excellent aroma and combined with the milk it had a creamy touch.

The food was delicious too. I discovered that I had never eaten a real croissant, made of flaky, crispy dough. In my city they call a croissant a bread with the same shape, but with a totally different texture and flavor. I loved it.

I also tried the bread on the other sandwich, the toasted one, and it had a slight taste of orange peel. That aromatic and slightly sweet combination with the cheese and ham was really very good.

Conclusion: I loved the coffee, the service, the food and the place in general. It has extra points because although it is a small cafe, it has a bathroom and that gives it a plus. I would definitely go again.

Having a coffee in the company of special people can brighten your day. And after coffee we continued exploring the streets of Buenos Aires.

Images of my authorship taken with Motorola Edge 30 Neo phone

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