Digestive and weight loss tea

Even though when I started drinking I started losing a lot of weight and all the ailments inside my body especially indigestion was the biggest problem. Drinking this tea was solving all my problems and they The tea was very tasty and I used to drink it by adding salt in it and this tea is made of pepper. Pepper powder is made and added to this tea. And it is a digestive tea
I used to make this tea in different ways and send it. Once I added white cumin along with black pepper and also ginger in it and added something which cures all diseases except death. And that is Klonji and besides that when this tea is ready I squeezed a lemon in it. In a few days I started to lose a lot of weight and I started to get smart. Lemons work very fast and Klonji disease. It is inside the body, it has to be removed
Some people do not drink such tea as it is bitter and they do not know that this tea is very beneficial for health. If the flour is correct then all the food you eat will be digested and the liver will make blood. And that blood will move inside the body. If food is not digested then liver will not make blood. Health will get worse day by day.


I have done a lot of experiments to lose weight and the one that has proved to be most useful to me is this indigenous method with which I have lost a lot of weight. You can also add cinnamon and white cumin and cook it well. It will be a very digestible and delicious and useful tea which will reduce the body rapidly.
I remember once I was very fat. I drank this tea for a few weeks and I lost a lot of weight. Can I show you a picture of myself when I gained weight?
And when I was sitting among my friends, I was called fat and in a few weeks, when I started this tea, I lost a lot of weight and my stomach, which was on the outside, started moving inwards and I Began to be smart and then this is my picture that I am showing you
This spicy tea was amazing and I started to lose a lot of weight and I use this tea and you are still trying to lose a lot of your body and it is a delicious tea.

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