Deceive with the coffee

First time I met with Anamika in a coffee house. We became friends and after a certain time realized that we like each other and later we get married. And now 10 years have passed since our marriage and we have one daughter of 8 and half years. I am the one who takes coffee two times a day without coffee I feel my days are incomplete. In the case of Anamika, she was never a coffee-addicted person like me. But she has no problem taking coffee on a regular basis with me. Before going to the office and after returning from the office I enjoy coffee with her. And it's part of my daily routine and the moment of enjoying coffee with her was one of the most precious moments in my opinion.

Several times woke up in the morning I wanted to give her a surprise by making coffee for her. But I was never able to do it because I never found the ingredients of making coffee in the kitchen. It was a very natural thing for me because in very few cases I went to the kitchen and finding those ingredients obviously hard for me as I am not used to with kitchen.

A few days ago Anamika was feeling sick and I decided not to go office. So that day I went to make coffee for us. Like earlier times I didn't find the ingredient to make coffee. So I asked my daughter if she knows the ingredients to make coffee. She used to help her mother sometimes and it was reasonable to ask her about it.
My daughter replied, "Today I am going to make coffee for everyone".
I said, "Do you know how to make coffee?". My princess replied with a smile and said "You just wait and see".
So I was standing behind her for her safety cases. I was observing all the moves and surprisingly I noticed that she didn't use any ingredients to make coffee. She just boiled the water and added colorful powder which gave made the transparent water color to coffee color.

I said, "Hello my little princess, what did you make? It's not coffee even if it looks like coffee by appearance".
Little Princess replied with discouragement "I made the coffee how mother used to make it every day".

Hearing the reply I was really shocked. Then I started to realize why I didn't find coffee ingredients anytime in the past. And I knew that my princess was not lying. So I tasted the coffee (not actually) made that time and it was also like the coffee I take every day. So I confirmed that it was the thing happening to me from earlier times. It was really hard to believe that Anamika deceiving me. I felt very angry to discover the truth but later I started to think why Anamika has done it to me. I was totally clueless and Anamika was the one who could remove my confusion. As she was sick and so I didn't ask about it at that time. When she recovered from illness I said "Why you kept me in darkness and is it logical?"

Anamika apologized for it and stated the reason. She said it was impossible for me to leave the coffee but it was costing a good amount of money each month. And with my little earning, it's hard to save money and she was worried about our little daughter's future. Besides it was hard to get emergency money if needed. She was very much concerned and it's the reason she decided to make such kind of action. She saved a good amount of money in the bank by saving little by little.

I understood her point and she was logical. I forgave her for what she had done. For some time my world was shaken to realize the truth but I became ok to know the reason and everything became normal after that.

Thumbnail picture taken from Unsplash
The 2nd picture taken from Unsplash
The 3rd picture taken from Unsplash

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