RE: CLOSED - Coffee Conversation - a chance to #WINHIVE

Liquor in coffee? Not my cup of joe. I do have a little scoop on my history with coffee for you beautiful Beanies today though! 😊

I was maybe 19 and didn't know the power coffee would have in my life yet. I needed a couch, a bed frame, a new pair of shoes... I had just taken on my 3rd job, and I woke up each morning feeling drunk from exhaustion. I like my coffee with a bit of cream now, but back then it was ALL cream and sugar. I mean, epic amounts of sugar. My poor tummy.

To my horror, I woke up after 4 hours of sleep to realize I had not replenished the cream! Oh dear, my mind stumbled... how will I... how can I go on?? I looked for answers in my bare cabinets and fridge, when I spotted her. Yes, my tub of secret emergency ice cream. Salvation. It is creamy, it is sweet, and it will make my coffee drinking temp in moments. What a deal!

The coolest part of this story really is that when I found this decadent pairing, I probably burnt 5000 calories a day. I didn't get sugar headaches like I do now. I just drank flipping ice cream sometimes for maybe a few weeks, when the charm wore off. What a time! Nowadays, this would make me absolutely ill.

Still, sometimes I like to mix dessert with coffee. I will buy one of those Caramel-frappa-whatevers from the mermaid lady chain, and I will suck it down like a grinning child. When I decide to have this kind of treat, I always remember when I was younger and thought it was the only way to drink coffee. 💚


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