The Movie of My Life, Rewinded #STB

To answer the question posed in the initiative, I will talk about the beginning of my day on Monday, February 19, 2024.

Yesterday I went to bed at 03:00 am for work reasons. So the process of getting up was a little delayed. Thank heavens, the sun with its warm and wonderful rays came through my window to caress my face, thus managing to wake me up.

I must be polite and it should also be mentioned that the urge to urinate was killing me. They contributed a lot to get me up faster. Once the physiological need was met and I had slapped my cheeks a couple of times, I headed to the kitchen to prepare my coffee. A ritual that is a must every morning.

As the coffee dripped into the cloth filter, I checked my phone. There were no messages or calls or network notifications, which was strange. I decided to ignore that and concentrated on the pleasure of pouring the dark liquid.

As you know I have a special mug for my coffee. A dark blue mug, which was given to me by the bank where I have an account that I opened in my youth. Once the coffee was poured into the cup, I took my first sip. The taste was strong, and warm, just the way I like it, it made me finish opening my eyes, still a little faint. But something strange, which I did not understand, happened.

Sometimes I think of coffee as my source of power, which transforms me into a superhero to fight the bad guys.

Now fully awake, I proceeded to prepare a breakfast including a second cup of coffee. Once I had breakfast, I got ready to go hunting. That is, to work, to look for income.

The passing hours were endured thanks to those two cups of morning coffee. But something strange was going on. I didn't see people anywhere. The streets were empty, no people were working, and no children were in school. That was not normal.


I went to the offices of my clients that I had scheduled and they were not there. Fear began to invade me, an uncontrollable fear. I thought that this extraordinary thing that was happening had to be announced somewhere. But there was no press, the TV channels were not on the air, and the social networks were turned off. Right there, at that moment, I realized that I was trapped in a kind of loop that repeated itself endlessly.

I decided to go home, the last place I had seen normal. When I arrived in front of my door, I found a note written in my handwriting: "Coffee tastes different when someone else makes it". That was true, I knew it, it was indisputable.

Before opening the apartment door, I stopped to think about when I had written that and when I had stuck the note on the door. I didn't understand anything, I couldn't remember. Then I opened the door and I felt like I was in a movie, the movie of my life. But rewinding backward, going back to the moment when I drank my first cup of coffee in the morning.

I hadn't made the coffee, Muertísima had, which is what we call a coworker who worked with me until the wee hours of the morning and couldn't go home because of the late hours. She had slept on the couch. Yes, believe it or not, we didn't sleep in the same bed. She had gotten up before me and made the coffee.

When the movie stopped rewinding, I found myself with my first cup of coffee. I realized that coffee had a different taste, I did not experience the same as when I made it. When I prepare coffee, my life is filled with energy and joy and I see smiling, friendly people everywhere. On the other hand, when I do not prepare the coffee, strange things happen.

That is why I enjoy coffee more when I prepare it myself.


Original content is written exclusively for
#STB Coffee Prompt Week 65.

Own images edited with CANVA.

All rights reserved. © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into English. I also state that I have used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

Thank you for your visit and for your comment.

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