The Coffee Family


For as long as I can remember, coffee has been at home. I could say that coffee is like the surname, it has been with me forever.

Mum used to tell me that my grandmother Francis would dip her index finger in coffee every morning and then run it over my little lips. That would make my eyes pop out of their sockets and I would immediately start moving my hands and feet asking for more and more.

Practically, all my life it was like this, it is impossible for me to drink a single cup of coffee. And I'm not the only one in the family, we are all big coffee drinkers. When we get together for a chat a barbecue or a party, the first drink is a good, freshly brewed coffee.


For us, coffee is a bond, an instrument of union, of love. It is happiness and motivation, it is family. The worst day starts when I realize there is not enough for my morning dose. The day should start with a big cup of coffee. If I inadvertently discover that there is no coffee in the pantry, I start to feel a sense of guilt, a feeling that I have committed a mortal sin and that I will not go to heaven. When that happens, I run to the supermarket to buy my packet of coffee.

Some people criticize me, but I'm happy, I'm a coffee man and not ashamed to say so. The good thing is that I am not the only one, there is a large community of people on the planet who love coffee, who know how to enjoy it, and who are clear that the world moves thanks to coffee.

I am not religious, but I believe in an all-powerful creator of everything and that his essence is love and goodness, who has given his children (us) everything wonderful. But he stood out when he shared what he loves the most, he gave us coffee. It was a blessing.

That is why we say that our surname ‘Andrade’ means: Coffee!


All rights reserved. © Copyright 2024 Germán Andrade G.

The original content was written for:
Spill the Beans Prompt: Week 76 by @cinnccf.

All images were edited using CANVA.

I am responsible for sharing with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into English. I also used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

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