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My strict boss and my coffee

Ger-Man (3).jpg

Tony was a passionate man as a graphic designer. Every design created for the company he worked for was highly regarded by his superiors and this resulted in him enjoying a good salary.

The last seven days have been fatal for Tony because his inspiration seems to have deserted him. In fact, the company is already feeling strange because he has shown absolutely nothing creative.

This is very worrying because by not being creative, by not presenting projects, his permanence in the company would be in danger because he had already seen it with other creators; the company did not allow failures of any kind. In fact, some had been fired for just being late in the mornings.

On Friday, before everyone left, the boss called them to give them some information.

-I want you all to bring me a project for our new client on Monday first thing in the morning without fail, they are very demanding Japanese, they want to sell in their country a coffee produced by their firm and they have entrusted us with an image for the promotion, so whoever does not come up with that, consider himself fired.

Everyone swallowed thickly and agreed that it would not be a fun weekend; the fear of losing the job was latent.

When Tony got home, he tried to get to work to have everything ready for Monday. But it wasn't easy. He looked at the ceiling, searched for images in the browsers that would spark his imagination, and even asked friends and family for suggestions, but nothing was convincing enough to present first thing Monday morning. He was in dire straits.

Sunday came and no ideas were coming to him. To make matters worse, he had run out of coffee and in the town where Tony lives, the stores are not open because everyone attends church.

He spent the whole day sitting at his desk and inspiration did not come. He spent the night until dawn. It was seven o'clock in the morning and he had to leave.

Tony was sure that the lack of coffee filled his mind with cobwebs that repressed his ideas. It was necessary to buy coffee because asking the neighbors was not a solution, everyone was up after nine in the morning.

The stores open at 08:30 and Tony has to be in the office at 08:15 with the project, Tony began to consider himself fired and without a coffee. The boss would never understand his late arrival because he had to wait for the coffee shop to open and incidentally without a project on his hands. Tony was sure that, if he had a coffee, he would be able to think better and come up with something.

Standing in front of the company building, head throbbing from lack of sleep, a small glimmer of hope shines through when Tony sees his old girlfriend Clotilde approaching with a cup of coffee in her hand.

Like a tiger pouncing on its prey, Tony approaches Clotilde and explains the situation. I ask her where she got that coffee.

She, very kindly and surprised, tells him that there is a new store a few meters away and that it opens before 07:00 am. She told him not to worry, to drink the coffee she was carrying, and to go up to her office, that she would buy another one and send him a package to take home.

As Tony drank the coffee Clotilde had given him, there was an explosion inside his head, the nuts and bolts of his brain kicked into high gear, triggering a series of ideas to put together a project to present to his boss.

He boarded the elevator that would take him to his office, adjusted his tie, and on his way out, he met everyone. He arrived on time and luckily he was the last one to make the presentation.

Unfortunately, he also learned that three of his co-workers had already been fired for not bringing in any projects.

The boss asked Tony:

-Did you bring me something?

Tony had nothing definite in mind but decided to give a surprising answer.

-Yes boss, I have brought a project that I will make public right at my presentation.

-I like that, mysterie and suspense. -exclaimed the boss.

He needed to drink more coffee, he had to wake up all the neurons, so he ran to the office kitchen to see if they had prepared coffee, but the lady in charge had not arrived.

Leaving the kitchen with his nerves on edge and his eyes on the floor, he met Clotilde again who was bringing him another coffee.

At that moment an expression came out of his mouth:

-I love you, wonderful woman!

They both smiled and Tony drank the coffee.

It was time to make the presentation and Tony wiped his sweat, adjusted his shirt, and tie, and out of nowhere created a live design in front of the Japanese and his boss, to be in the first place.

The Japanese were so pleased that they invited him to travel to Japan on an all-expenses-paid basis.

The boss asked Tony:

-Who will you take to Japan, because the prize is for you and a companion?

Tony turned in the direction of Clotilde, who was still there, and answered:

-To the love of my whole life; to her. -Pointing to the beautiful brunette.

With these words, I come to participate in #STB Writing Prompt Week 29.

For details click here.

  • This story is fictitious, total or partial reproduction in any form is prohibited.

  • Original content created by @germanandradeg for HIVE.

  • All rights reserved.

  • © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

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