Memories, Reflections, and Coffee

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Marina sat in her favorite corner of the cafeteria, where the sunlight filtered softly through the leaves of the nearby trees.

It was a familiar place, her morning sanctuary where time seemed to stand still. The cup of coffee in front of her gave off an aroma that reminded her of mornings at her grandmother's house, where the smell of freshly brewed coffee was a sure awakening.

But that day, the coffee had a different purpose. It wasn't just a means to wake up or enjoy a quiet moment; it was a key to forgotten childhood memories.

Scientists had created a special blend that they said could unlock the doors of memory, and they had chosen the coffee shop to conduct the first tests on people.

With some skepticism, Marina took a sip. The taste was exquisite, a perfect blend of bitterness and sweetness, but what followed was something she never expected. Blurry images began to take shape in her mind, like old photographs emerging from the fog. They were memories of his childhood, moments he had completely forgotten.

She saw herself running through the fields behind her house, laughing carefree, her hair fluttering in the wind. But then, something unexpected happened. A dark, suppressed memory broke through the happy moments. Marina remembered a shadowy figure, a man who visited her house in the evenings, talking quietly to her parents.


Tension grew inside her. Many questions came to her mind. Marina felt an urgency to discover the truth. With each sip of coffee, the memories became clearer and more intense. She could hear fragments of conversations, and see worried expressions on her parents' faces.

What was at stake was more than just curiosity; it was a part of her story, a chapter of her life that had been ripped out and hidden away. She knew she had to move on, that she had to understand the meaning of those memories.

The coffee continued its work, revealing more with each sip. The man was her uncle, a relative never spoken of after those late-night visits. Marina remembered one particular night, a heated argument, and then... nothing. Her uncle disappeared from their lives without a trace.

But the coffee brought a revelation she didn't see coming. In her mind's eye, Marina saw her uncle hiding something in the attic, an object wrapped in a dark cloth. It was something important, something dangerous, something that might explain his disappearance.

When the coffee cup was emptied, Marina was faced with a decision. She could leave those memories where they were, lost in the past, or she could act.

A message of reflection came to him like a ray of light: he could not run away from his past, but he could face it and learn from it.

Inspired by the memories, Marina decided to act. She committed herself to investigate, to search for answers, to find her uncle, and to face the past.

The last drop of coffee not only gave him back memories but also gave him a new purpose.


Original content is written exclusively for
#STB Coffee Prompt Week 59.


The three images in this post are mine, they correspond to my guitar and my favorite mug. They were processed using:

Adobe Illustrator

All rights reserved. © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into the English language. I also state that I have used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

Thank you for your visit and for your comment.

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