Life Decisions [#STB Coffee Prompt Week 71]


Many people find it difficult to decide which path to follow or which to leave if they are told that they should give up coffee or alcohol. In my opinion, when it comes to making a decision, the pros and cons of both must be placed on a scale. Next, I am going to make an analysis and at the end I will tell you which one I will choose.


Giving up alcohol is a decision with great benefits. In my case, being hypertensive, alcohol is an enemy of my blood pressure. To this we can add that its excessive consumption is related to liver disease, some types of cancer, and heart disease and can cause a stroke. If we decide to give up alcohol, we are sure that the risks of these diseases will be at minimum levels.

Another thing that alcohol affects is poor sleep quality. When alcohol is present, insomnia is present, waking up many times at night and leads to tiredness, discouragement, and lack of productivity. A person who does not sleep well is prone to the diseases I mentioned above. When we consume alcohol there is a tendency to fatigue, because it dehydrates the body bringing as a consequence the lack of energy.

Alcohol, as it is an inhibitor, can bring out a person that we are not and that can cause us problems. In addition, this substance leads to depression and increased anxiety. It affects memory and concentration. Quitting alcohol can help us think clearly to make good decisions.

Another aspect in which alcohol is harmful is in family relationships. If we give up alcohol we will surely be more empathetic, we will communicate better, thus strengthening our relationships. Alcoholism is a serious disease that deteriorates us and damages our environment, leading us to irresponsibility and loneliness.

Some say they are social drinkers, but that is the beginning of a terrifying story; that is my opinion. The other thing that alcohol affects us is our pocketbook. If we don't control it, we will lose large amounts of money in bottles and perhaps in medical expenses.



A good coffee in the morning activates you to face the challenges of the day in a good way. It is a drink that is really excellent for socializing, it can be shared at any time of the day and its consumption does not affect your pocket, your family relationships, your appearance or your health. My cardiologist has recommended me to drink two or three cups a day and I am happy.

So after placing alcohol and coffee on a scale, what I can say is that, for my health, for my sake, I will keep my coffee. Well, this decision was made a long time ago, I don't drink alcohol, I don't like it, on the other hand, coffee is my passion, it is related to my quality of life, my productivity and therefore to my present and future.


All rights reserved. © Copyright 2024 Germán Andrade G.

The original content was written for:
#STB Coffee Prompt Week 71 by @cinnccf.

All the images are my property and were edited using CANVA.

The image of the glass and the bottle of wine that appears on the cover is courtesy of my son Marco Germán Andrade Naranjo.

The GIF at the end of the post was created by me and edited using CANVA.

I am responsible for sharing with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into English. I also state that I have used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

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