A world where coffee was more valuable than gold

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In a world where coffee was more valuable than gold, peace had been established thanks to the adoption of this new world currency. The idea had come from a group of visionaries who realized the economic potential of coffee and its ability to unite nations in a single global market.

The transition was not easy, but with the help of the main world leaders and the cooperation of coffee producers and traders, a new monetary structure based on this popular beverage was established. People from all over the world willingly traded coffee, and the aroma of this delicious beverage could be smelled in every corner of the planet.

But as in every story, there is always someone who seeks to take advantage of the system. In this case, a small group of unscrupulous traders discovered a way to counterfeit coffee beans and sell them at high prices. The counterfeit was so perfect that even the experts could not distinguish them from the authentic beans.

News of the coffee counterfeiting spread quickly, and confidence in the world's currency began to wane. Coffee prices plummeted, and the world economy faltered. The peace that had been established by the adoption of coffee as a world currency was crumbling before our eyes.

Faced with this situation, a young entrepreneur named German Leonardo decided to take matters into his own hands. With his cunning and ingenuity, he discovered a way to detect counterfeit grains and contacted world leaders to present his solution.

German's idea was simple: to create a new variety of coffee that could only be grown in ultra-secret and specific regions of the world, and that would be impossible to counterfeit. The idea was received with enthusiasm by world leaders and coffee producers, and a plan was launched to cultivate this new variety in remote regions of the planet.

The success was resounding. The new variety of coffee was not only impossible to counterfeit, but its flavor was exquisite and its aroma irresistible. The world economy recovered and confidence in coffee as a world currency was restored.

The story of German Leonardo and his struggle to maintain world peace through coffee became a legend throughout the world. His name became synonymous with cunning and ingenuity, and his legacy was kept alive through time thanks to the unconditional love that people had for coffee.

So the next time you enjoy a cup of coffee, remember the story of German Leonardo and his struggle to maintain world peace. And if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation, remember that cunning and ingenuity can save the day, just as the aroma and taste of coffee can save the world economy.


The cover image is my property

Original content is written exclusively for #STB Creative Writing Coffee Prompt (Week 41)

I use CANVA to edit the images you see in my publications.

All rights reserved. © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the Deepl translator to share my original content with you.

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