Embracing The Goodness Of It All.

"No lunch break but a cup of coffee wouldn't be bad, I need it to get all these done." I said to myself while staring at the heap of files on my table.

I met Akin at the door while stepping out and he was carrying two cups of coffee.


"I thought you might be too busy to step out so I got this for you," Akin said as he stretched the cup to me.

"Just the way I love it, thanks man," I replied after taking a sip on the spot where I was standing.

"Let me not disturb you, just do your thing. We will catch up after work."

"Okay man," I replied, we shook hands and he left.

"This should be easy tomorrow," I thought as I browsed through the remaining files on my table at closing hour. I felt relieved and happy packing my things

I was soon out of the building with Akin and while waiting at the bus station, we discussed the football matches that happened a few days ago.

I was out of town over the weekend and we just had time to gist about every action that went down in the Premier League. We were still analyzing the matches when the buses arrived and we went our separate ways.

My earphones were plugged into my ears, I was listening to music while pondering on what to have for dinner when Akin message popped up.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you something that happened at the bar over the weekend."

I wasn't in the mood for any more chats but he sounded quite important.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A guy introduced a snortable coffee to me at the bar,"

"I don't get that word "snortable", I guess you didn't intend to write coffee after it as well," I replied and he sent a laughing gif.

"I am serious Akin, what do you mean by snortable coffee?" I asked again with a strong desire for an answer.

"Snortable as in a coffee you can sniff in instead of drinking." He replied.

I was typing my response when the bus conductor alerted me that I had gotten to my bus station. While trekking the remaining distance to my house, I called Akin but he didn't pick up my call.

"We will talk tomorrow, bro."

I got a message from him shortly and hated the fact that he started such a conversation when he wouldn't be available to answer all my questions.

"Akin must be high on something or he was just pulling my legs."

I said to myself while making my last cup of coffee for the night, his claims about snortable coffee bothered me and it was just unbelievable.


I saw a few posts about it on social media and it became clear Akin wasn't saying nonsense.

We met the next day at work and after Akin told me everything, I was eager to see for myself.

The football matches were expected to kick off by noon on Saturday but we arrived there before noon just to meet the guy who introduced the snortable coffee to Akin.

"That's him," Akin waved to the guy as he stepped into the bar.

"Bro, hope you enjoyed that stuff last weekend?" He asked Akin after they exchanged pleasantries.

I looked at Akin in disbelief because he didn't mention that he tried it.

"Yes, I did. My friend will love to try as well and I want some to take home." Akin replied.

"Which of your friends?" I asked Akin immediately the guy left us.

"You of course or didn't you drag me here so early because of that?" Akin asked.

"Yes, I did. I was just curious and you didn't mention that you tried it."

"Oh, I thought I did. It was cool, I felt thrice the energy I would have gotten from having three cups at a go." Akin replied.

"Wow, are there any health challenges attached?" I asked and Akin was lost in thought for a few seconds. He didn't have a response to my answer and we just stared at each other till the guy returned.

"This is it," the guy gave a small pack to Akin who counted some cash for him as well.

Akin poured some of the coffee on his palm and sniffed it right there. I saw a bit of displeasure on his face, it felt like the stuff hurt but made them feel better after.

All through the match, Akin was buzzing with lots of energy and yes, it looked like the substance gave him more energy. He gave me some but I wouldn't try it outdoor to prevent embarrassing myself if things went wrong with me.

I took some of the snortable coffee home that evening and after freshening up, I returned to the living room with some juice and the substance.

"Just this once," I tried convincing myself but those words weren't inspiring enough.

My mind was divided into two while thinking whether to try it or not. One wanted me to try while the other kept asking, "are you drinking just for the energy? What about the aroma and taste you admire so much?"

Different thoughts kept popping up and in the end, I told myself that truly, it isn't just the energy I am enjoying in a coffee. The taste is divine and the aroma awakens every sleeping part of me.

I put the substance away and went to brew some coffee for myself. The aroma filled the kitchen and it triggered my craving for the taste.


I ended up with three cups in the kitchen and couldn't imagine myself choosing to sniff in over drinking a hot cup of coffee. I stayed up a little longer that night since it was the weekend and didn't hesitate to return the substance on Monday morning.

Even if no one does tell me, I made the right decision.

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