Coffee Intervention...

"Good morning beautiful, how was your night?" George kissed Bella on the cheek and she slowly opened her eyes.

"It was good, did you sleep well too?" She replied.

"Yes, I did. I was up early to make breakfast so you can have it in bed," he replied.

"That's so sweet of you."


"Did I tell you about the progress we made on the research?" Bella asked halfway through the meal.

"You mean the plant language thing?" George asked and she nodded signifying yes.

"Oh, okay. That's great but the world needs a cure for the ageing virus more than plant language thing."

"Don't spoil my mood, honey. I have told you severally that botany doesn't do with human disease," Bella replied and stormed out of bed with her coffee.

"Babe, don't be mad at me. Being immune now doesn't mean we will be immune forever, I am concerned seeing people age quicker than normal."

"I feel the same way too but there is only a little I can do and you should appreciate my plant language research," she replied.

He kissed her on the forehead and Bella couldn't resist his charm. She gave a faint smile and George tickled her so she could laugh.

They teased each other for a few minutes and ended up back in the bedroom.

Later that evening, the news about the disease made George sad after reading some stuff online.

"Hospitals are making lots of money from this disease and no one is talking about the cure," George said to Bella who was busy in the kitchen.

"Let's hope for the best, my colleagues in that field said they have limited resources for the research," she replied.

The weekend passed and Bella returned to the laboratory.

She greeted her colleagues and got a briefing on the progress they made over the weekend. The research went on and every night, George asked if there was a development. Days and weeks passed but nothing happened.

One particular night, George was barely asleep when his phone rang.

"Hey babe, are you not sleeping?" he asked immediately after he picked up the call.

"Guess what? We were able to conclude the plant language research," she sounded excited.

"Are you serious?" He asked again and she explained everything to him again.

"This is good news, I hope the ageing disease cure will be discovered soon as well,"

George got out of bed to make himself a cup of coffee as the conversation went on.

"When do I get to see this for myself?" He asked as she was about to end the call.

"No so fast, we haven't finalized it yet and you have to learn plant language first," she replied.

Days passed and the news was everywhere, George felt proud of Bella's success and hope the cure comes next.

"I have to learn all this? I thought there is a device that would just interpret things to me," George sounded confused when Bella sent him the plant language to study.

George flipped through the pages and made up his mind to learn. He studied the language thoroughly and mastered everything in four months.

Bella felt glad that something distracted George from the ageing disease affecting the world, the thought of it makes him aggressive.

George got a coffee plant and kept it in his garden. He was so serious that he place a camera in the garden so he wouldn't miss out on anything.

"Camera? What for?" Bella asked immediately after she noticed it.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I might become a scientist after all this."

They laughed at his response and Bella was eager to see how things would out with his new interest.

Every morning, George would check the videos while having his morning coffee and just laugh.


"Plants crack jokes too. Imagine the coffee plant saying that it is boring to be alone, isn't that funny?" George asked one morning while staring at the camera monitor.

"It is funny and what's more funny is how you have become obsessed with this thing," Bella replied.

"You should be proud that your discovery has kept me sane for months now, thinking of the disease out there wasn't helping me then."

They chatted more about the disease but there was still no good news about it.

George struggled out of bed on Monday morning and couldn't even finish his cup of coffee before he drove Bella to work.

He settled in front of the camera monitor with another cup of coffee immediately after he returned home. He forwarded the video until he got to a point when he noticed the plant was saying something.

He paid attention carefully because it doesn't look like the coffee plant was joking that morning and George wasn't sure of his interpretation. He didn't want to involve Bella immediately so he checked the video repeatedly and was arriving at the same interpretation. On the fourth day, he captured part of the video and sent it to Bella immediately with his interpretation.

"Hey, babe. I don't know how correct my interpretation is but the coffee plant said coffee made us immune to the ageing disease, please watch the video so we can be sure."

Bella didn't believe what she read so she hurried out of the laboratory with a cup of coffee to see the video.


She happily called George to tell him that his interpretation was right.

With Bella's help, they got someone with the disease and after two days of taking coffee, the patient stopped ageing rapidly.

While Bella was trying to involve her superiors, George made a live video and told the world about his discovery. It took years to completely get rid of the disease but he was happy that the aging disease was contained with the help of coffee.

He got more space for gardening and George spent the rest of his life building relationships with plants.

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